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Hayk Paytyan

Hayk Paytyan
What does social contract mean? The phenomenon of so-called “Social Contract” has always drawn the attention of competent and outstanding representatives of international social, political, judicial and philosophical thought. Beginning from the ancient times until now, there have been written...
Instead of Introduction By launching this kind of analysis we have the following aim: we will try to introduce one of the perspectives of future that threats our statehood and society by generally analyzing the situation that exists in Armenia's...
This year more active military operations along the Artsakh-Azerbaijan border lasted only four days, but they had several important consequences. One of them, the study of which this analysis is devoted to, is related to one of the main directions...
Read the first part first. Revolt and revolution Perhaps it should be stated that revolt is considered to be one of the historical phenomena, which often occur in the context of history regardless the temporal and spatial factors. We can bring...
In April this year the military operations along the border of Artsakh and Azerbaijan had some serious consequences. It is logical and natural that after the active military actions, in the different layers of socio-political life the need to...