On November 22, another #LiveTalks 5 project took place in the “Article 3” club titled “Comparative Analysis of Posters of French 1968 and Armenian Velvet Revolution 2018” organized by “Enlight” Research Centeur.The speaker of the meeting was Marine Khachatryan, analyst at the center’s Art/Culture sub-department.
The speaker began her speech by presenting the poster as an essential part of the revolutions as well as touched upon the reasons for choosing the topic of her speech.Then the speaker presented peculiarities of the selection, content and usage of posters conducting comparative parallels between the Armenian and French revolutions taking into account the ideological and logical relationships, similarities and differences of these two revolutions.The most remarkable are the peculiarities of the posters on the revolutions presented by the speaker- the unification of the people, attitude towards the police, media reactions, cultural and political changes.
The meeting ended with a question-and-answer session during which the audience presented their comments and gave their questions on the topic.