“Enlight” Forum 2022

On January 23 the annual traditional Congress of the “Enlight” Public Research Center NGO, defined by the Charter, took place at Microsoft Innovation Center.

The Congress was opened by David Petrosyan, the president of the organization. Welcoming the members of the organization and the volunteers, he presented the agenda of the meeting.

After the welcoming speech, the members of the Legislative bodies (Council, Supervisor and Inspector) delivered speeches and presented the work done last year.

Afterwards, the activity of the organization of the previous year was summarized. The coordinator of the analytical forum Anahit Karapetyan presented the new collaborations and the work done by the forum. Mery Babayan, the head of the Translators and Editors Department, spoke of the new directions of the activity of the department, implemented programs and new projects. Anna Khachyan, the editor-in-chief, presented the results of the work done by the Public Relations and Marketing Department and the programs and projects implemented in cooperation with other departments. And the activities of the Staff were presented by the vice-president Lilit Karapetyan.

The election of the Legislative bodies and the voting for confirming the strategy of “Enlight” from 2022 to 2025, took place during the Congress. Some of the goals of the 2022-2025 strategy are:

  • to expand cooperation with external circles, centers and organizations, ensuring higher recognition, implementation of new projects, implementation of exchange programs;
  • to create a stable source of funding, which will enable “Enlight” to provide resources for the implementation of existing programs, new projects and ideas, at the same time remaining independent and committed to the principles it has proclaimed;
  • to add more research and publishing projects,
  • to improve the quality of analyses, expand the methods used in them, develop digital analysis skills,
  • io increase the public visibility of “Enlight” and the Enlight community and promote the implementation of other important issues.

During the elections of the Legislative bodies Mariam Dzamalyan, Marine Khachatryan and Lusine Hovhannisyan were elected as members of the Council. Harutyun Hovhannisyan was elected as Inspector and Narine Petrosyan as Supervisor. The newly elected representatives of the Legislative bodies spoke on their goals and what to do next. The newly elected Legislative bodies will assume their powers on February 1, 2022.

In the end of the Congress certificates, letters of thanks and gifts were granted to the members and volunteers.


“Enlight” Forum