Home Authors Posts by Narine Petrosyan

Narine Petrosyan

Narine Petrosyan
Undergraduate student of the Department of Macroeconomics, Armenian State University of Economics
Tax Avoidance as a World and Armenian Problem. Causes and Consequences The article deals with one of the most important problems of the modern financial world – tax evasion. It is not a secret for anyone that each subject is...
The geopolitical realities formed as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war, along with economic and political risks, gave the RA economy new positive impulses in 2022, which led to the consolidation of favorable positions in a number of important...
The disagreements over the status of Artsakh between Armenia and Azerbaijan, apart from the military conflict, territorial and positional changes, bring about serious economic problems for both countries. Since the 1994 ceasefire, the countries entered a new phase of...
A quarter of the EU energy consumption is supplied through natural gas, that’s why many  EU countries mostly depend on gas imports. In general, the European Union imports half of the used energy resources. The dependency of the import...
Even though the history of e-commerce began in the 1960s, it has undergone global changes mainly during the last two decades. E-commerce involves e-information exchange, e-capital flow, e-transaction, e-marketing, e-banking and e-insurance services. The development of e-commerce is quite...