Реакция международных СМИ: обновляемая

Реакция международных СМИ на Арцахские события

Инлайт представляет реакцию международных СМИ на нарушения режима прекращения огня азербайджанскими ВС по направлению Нагорно-Карабахской Республики и на дальнейшее развитие событий. В списке присутствуют как про-армянские, так и про-азербайджанские материалы.

6 декабря, 2020
Arkansas OnlineArkansas Online

Tens of thousands of opposition supporters marched across the Armenian capital Saturday to push for the resignation of the former Soviet nation’s prime minister over his handling of the conflict with Azerbaijan concerning Nagorno-Karabakh.

the Guardianthe Guardian
Ceding of territory to Azerbaijan by Nikol Pashinyan in return for peace sparks fury in Yerevan.
5 декабря, 2020

Pela primeira vez desde o fim da guerra, Bacu anunciou o número de baixas militares no confronto com forças arménias pelo controlo de Nagorno Karabakh. O número de mortos e feridos civis é ainda indeterminado.


O secretário-geral das Nações Unidas, Antonio Guterres, pediu nesta sexta-feira (4) que “a Armênia e o Azerbaijão retomem as negociações sob os auspícios dos co-presidentes do Grupo de Minsk da OSCE para chegar a um acordo pacífico duradouro”. A declaração não mencionou a Turquia. A ONU “encoraja os governos e povos da Armênia e do […]

France 24France 24
Tens of thousands of opposition supporters marched across the Armenian capital Saturday to push for the resignation of the ex-Soviet nation’s prime minister over his handling of the conflict with Aze…
4 декабря, 2020
The New York TimesThe New York Times | By Carlotta Gall
A village on the frontline of the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia welcomes peace — after more than two decades.
3 декабря, 2020
Times of India BlogTimes of India Blog

The texture of the on-going Azerbaijani- Armenian conflict is a reflection of future wars. Any military thinker will be happy to analyse the invaluable lessons, which global militaries, should adopt. The constant advent of newer…

Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry said at least 2,783 of its soldiers were killed in fighting with Armenians over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, the first time it has disclosed losses in the 44-day war.
2 декабря, 2020
Jornal da USPJornal da USP

Para Paulo Borba Casella é preocupante que a pressão da Turquia, com suas mãos manchadas de sangue, tenha ajudado a ofensiva do Azerbaijão


BAKU, Azerbaijan — Azerbaijan on Tuesday completed reclaiming territory held by Armenian forces for more than a quarter-century after a peace deal ended six weeks of fierce fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh. 

The handover of Lachin, the final district to be retaken by Azerbaijan under the ceasefire deal with Armenia, was plagued with confusion as its current Armenian residents got mixed messages as to whether they could stay.
1 декабря, 2020
Folha de S.PauloFolha de S.Paulo

Tropas azeris entram no último distrito devolvido pelo acordo de paz mediado por Moscou

Latest Asian, Middle-East, EurAsian, Indian NewsLatest Asian, Middle-East, EurAsian, Indian News

An Armenian publication in the United States wrote an editorial that questioned why the Armenian Government did not use nuclear bombs again Azerbaijan and its invading forces backed by Turkey.

The Jakarta PostThe Jakarta Post

Armenia agreed to hand over three districts around Karabakh — Aghdam, Lachin and Kalbajar — as part of the deal that stopped an Azerbaijani offensive that had reclaimed swathes of territory lost to Armenian separatists in a 1990s war.

France 24France 24

Les forces azerbaïdjanaises sont entrées mardi dans le montagneux Latchin, le dernier des trois districts que l’Arménie s’est engagée à rendre à Bakou, conformément à l’accord de cessez-le-feu du 9 n…

Tropas do Azerbaijão entraram nesta terça (tarde de segunda no Brasil) em Lachin, o terceiro e último distrito devolvido pela Armênia, como parte do acordo que pôs fim a semanas de combates por Nagorno Karabaj, anunciou o governo de Baku. 
30 ноября, 2020
The National InterestThe National Interest

Time and time again, all sides have stated that Kosovo was a one-time thing and not a formal legal precedent. Invoking it in the case of Nagorno-Karabakh demonstrates an unwillingness to recognize this reality.

RT en EspañolRT en Español
29 ноября, 2020
Medici del Distretto Militare Orientale russo stanno iniziando ad arrivare nel Nagorno-Karabakh: più di 60 medici russi sono ora presenti nella città principale della…
28 ноября, 2020
Estado de MinasEstado de Minas

Quatro civis azerbaijanos morreram na explosão de uma mina em uma região recentemente reconquistada pelo Azerbaijão perto de Nagorno Karabakh, cenário

Modern DiplomacyModern Diplomacy

Freedom of the press and the Media are both considered the fundamental pillars of Democracy across the globe.  However, some authoritarian regimes restrict and ban the media and freedom of speech. 

Armen Sarkissian plans to meet with members of the Armenian community in Russia to discuss the situation in his country and Nagorno-Karabakh 
27 ноября, 2020
Greek City TimesGreek City Times

A common espousal is that Turkey and Azerbaijan constitute “two states, one nation,” and this is not a belief shared among fringe pan-Turkic…

Arab NewsArab News

ANKARA: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s increasingly assertive foreign policy is rankling Western allies and scaring away investors — but few analysts expect him to slow down.

Correio PopularCorreio Popular

Um soldado russo aponta em um enorme caderno para o n…

Un soldado ruso apunta en un enorme cuaderno el número de la matrícula de los vehículos que circulan por el corredor de Lachin, la única…
26 ноября, 2020

Azerbaijan may not be a liberal democracy but this does that not mean that its Armenian citizens are in danger. 


Battle-hardened Armenian soldiers crossed themselves and gazed one last time at the medieval inscriptions on the walls of the ancient Dadivank monastery in Nagorno-Karabakh. In defeat, they fear that…


During clashes over Nagorno-Karabakh, Azeri and Armenian soldiers were accused of executions, defiling bodies.

Global NewsGlobal News
No country recognizes the region, which Armenia and Azerbaijan have been at odds over for decades, as independent.

France 24France 24

Azerbaijani soldiers and military trucks rolled into the district of Kalbajar on Wednesday, reclaiming the second of three regions Armenia is handing back under a deal that ended weeks of fighting.

Notícias ao MinutoNotícias ao Minuto
25 ноября, 2020

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday he and Russian President Vladimir Putin had discussed the possibility of involving other countries in efforts to maintain a ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh. 

Estado de MinasEstado de Minas

O exército do Azerbaijão anunciou nesta quarta-feira (24) sua entrada no distrito de Kalbajar, que faz fronteira com a província de Nagorno Karabakh…

New York PostNew York Post
The full meaning of the ­recent war in the Caucasus was captured in a sad video of Armenians gathered outside an old mountain church to sing one last hymn before going into exile. This small Christ…
24 ноября, 2020
France 24France 24

After six weeks of fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces, a Russian-brokered ceasefire has resulted in a military victory for Azerbaijan. But Yerevan now accuses Baku o…


Tigran Khachatryan’s move comes as the gov’t is under pressure, having agreed to end the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.


MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — El Ejército de Azerbaiyán entró en la región de Kelbecer (Kalbajar) dejado por Armenia, informó el Ministerio de Defensa nacional en su sitio web.

Nagorno-Karabakh é um terreno minado, explosão de depósito de armas arménio deixa centenas de munições espalhadas.
23 ноября, 2020

Azerbaijan’s Prosecutor-General’s Office says it has launched probes into several videos showing the possible torture of captured Armenian soldiers and the desecration of the corpses of Armenian troops by Azerbaijani servicemen during recent fighting in the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh.


Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said earlier in the day that more than 2,300 refugees had returned from Armenia to their homes in Nagorno-Karabakh during the day.


An Azerbaijani officer was killed and four representatives of the Emergencies Ministry of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic were injured, according to the top brass 

Azerbaijan now is in control over the entirety of its border with Iran along the Aras river. While this may be a cause for celebration in Baku, it is viewed with alarm in Tehran.
22 ноября, 2020
Monitor do OrienteMonitor do Oriente

Residentes de Agdam, território ocupado pela Armênia por 27 anos, desde a primeira Guerra de Nagorno-Karabakh, relataram neste sábado (21) que a cidade foi convertida em ruínas, logo após a retir…

Hürriyet Daily NewsHürriyet Daily News

The preparations of the troops to be dispatched to Azerbaijan have been completed after a motion for the deployment was passed at the parliament, the Turkish Defense Ministry has said.


Three districts next to the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh are to be handed back to Azerbaijan from Armenia as part of a Nov. 10 agreement ending six weeks of fighting between the two countries over the enclave. 

El ministro de Defensa de Rusia, Sergei Shoigu, ha ofrecido ayuda a Armenia para recuperarse de los…
21 ноября, 2020

MOSCOW (AP) — The president of Azerbaijan said Saturday he hopes the ceasefire that ended a six-week war with Armenia this month will lead to improving relations between the countries. President Ilham Aliyev made the statement as a high-level Russian delegation visited Azerbaijani’s capital, Baku.

Estado de MinasEstado de Minas
O Exército do Azerbaijão retomou nesta sexta, 20, o controle do Distrito de Aghdam, cedido pelos separatistas armênios de Nagorno-Karabakh, como prevê…
20 ноября, 2020

France wants international supervision to implement a ceasefire in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict amid concerns in Paris that Russia and Turkey could strike a deal to cut out Western powers from future peace talks, the presidency said on Thursday.


Chi ha vinto davvero nel Nagorno Karabakh


Baku takes over one of three districts Armenia has agreed to give back in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. 

Tropas russas dizem que já escoltaram mais de um milhar de civis arménios. Retirada tem de ficar concluída até ao final do mês…
19 ноября, 2020

Non c’è pace per l’Armenia. Dopo che il Paese è uscito con le ossa rotte dallo scontro militare con l’Azerbaigian…

France 24France 24
Jornal ExpressoJornal Expresso

«A UE saúda a cessação das hostilidades no Nagorno-Karabakh e arredores, na sequência do cessar-fogo, acordado entre a Arménia e o Azerbaijão e mediado pela Rússia, a 9 de novembro», refere Josep Borrell em comunicado


Nel conflitto nel Nagorno Karabakh il presidente russo ha lasciato spazio alla Turchia che appoggia l’Azerbaigian, ha invitato gli armeni a riconoscere il cessate il fuoco e ha anche approfittato del fallimento europeo nelle trattative.

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) — New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick on Wednesday called on the U.S. government to take action against Turkey and Azerbaijan for “unprovoked and violent attacks…
18 ноября, 2020
Le Monde.frLe Monde.fr

TRIBUNE. Outre son déséquilibre militaire flagrant avec l’Azerbaïdjan, Erevan a considéré à tort, comme certains géopoliticiens, que Moscou restait le dernier rempart de l’Occident contre l’islam.


Pashinyan, under pressure, accepts fault and says gov’t will support victims of six-week war in which hundreds died. 


População começou a voltar para casa em Stepanakert após governos de Armênia e Azerbaijão acertarem uma trégua. Acordo, no entanto, desagradou a maioria de armênios que vive na região separatista. 

the Guardianthe Guardian

Putin says any move to leave Russian-backed ceasefire with Azerbaijan would be huge mistake.


Gli Stati Uniti ed i loro alleati della Nato stanno cercando di fomentare la discordia tra azeri e armeni, ha affermato Sergey Naryshkin, direttore del Servizio di…

Middle East MonitorMiddle East Monitor

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with the Istanbul-based spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians during a short trip to Turkey yesterday which included no meetings with Turkish offi…

New York PostNew York Post

This may be Bill Belichick’s most unexpected play call ever. The New England Patriots head coach stepped off the gridiron and into the political field Wednesday, as he demanded the US take ac…


No confronto entre Armênia e Azerbaijão, o perigo vem do alto. Na reportagem especial sobre a guerra no Cáucaso, o enviado especial da Band à região, Yan Bo…


Turkey’s parliament on Tuesday approved the deployment of troops to join Russian forces at an observation post in Nagorno-Karabakh after Armenia and Azerbaijan signed a Russian-brokered ceasefire deal to end fighting over the enclave. 

Periódico El CaribePeriódico El Caribe

Moscú.- El presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, advirtió hoy a Armenia de que renunciar al acuerdo suscrito hace una semana con Azerbaiyán

Republic WorldRepublic World
New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez on Tuesday called for U.S. engagement in the Southern Caucasus region following weeks of conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia that has killed thousands.
17 ноября, 2020
Monitor do OrienteMonitor do Oriente

Não há dúvidas de que a Rússia, sob liderança de Vladimir Putin, não é o mesmo Estado fraco que era após a desintegração da União Soviética. 


Les forces de Bakou ont utilisé des armes incendiaires contre les Arméniens au Karabakh. Les blessures des soldats gravement brûlés soignés à Erevan sont typiques des effets du phosphore blanc, selon un médecin français.


Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan resigned on Monday, the ministry said, in a sign of political fall-out in the ex-Soviet republic after a ceasefire in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict that locked in territorial gains for Azerbaijan.


Russia has moved truck-mounted multiple rocket launchers into a land corridor it controls between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh as its peacekeeping forces secure new territory for a deal struck over the enclave last week.


La Comisión de Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo del Congreso ha aprobado este lunes una…

The Indian ExpressThe Indian Express
The resignation of Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, who has held the post since May 2018, may indicate that the political crisis in Armenia is deepening.
16 ноября, 2020

Baku ha concesso a Yerevan altri dieci giorni per ritirare le sue truppe dalla regione di Kelbajar, ha dichiarato oggi l’assistente del presidente azero Hikmet Hajiyev. 


MOSCOW (AP) — Azerbaijan on Sunday postponed taking control of a territory ceded by Armenian forces in a cease-fire agreement, but denounced civilians leaving the area for burning houses and committing what it called “ecological terror.”


The Russian Defense Ministry released footage showing peacekeeping troops deployed to Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh on November 14, and heading towards the city of Goris. 

France 24France 24
Las fuerzas armenias debían haberse marchado por completo este domingo de la región de Kelbajar, próxima a Nagorno Karabaj, en cumplimiento del acuerdo de alto el fuego firmado entre Armenia y Azerba…
15 ноября, 2020
The National InterestThe National Interest

Both sides in the conflict have claimed that fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh isn’t just about territorial control – it is a fight to prevent genocide, a fight for their lives. These grave accusations, while yet unproven, may make a lasting resolution to the conflict much harder.

The National InterestThe National Interest

The long-term damage resulting from Armenia’s miscalculations outlined are plain to see. While part of the damage is physical, even more significant is the mental damage: Armenia’s feeling of military superiority is now broken, and its feeling of isolation palpable.


Residents of Armenian origin in Kalbajar district of Nagorno-Karabakh are on a mass exodus as Azerbaijan takes over. 

Kalbajar, Azerbaijão, 15 Nov 2020 (AFP) — A Armênia obteve mais dez dias para esvaziar o distrito de Kalbakhar, próximo à região deNagorno Karabakh, que deveria ser entregue neste domingo (15) ao Azerbaijão, após sua vitória no conflito.Essa pri…
14 ноября, 2020
The Straits TimesThe Straits Times

The guns have fallen silent in the six-week-long war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, a conflict in which up to 5,000 people have died, and tens of thousands more have been displaced.. 


A sombre mood sweeps across Kelbajar region, as ethnic Armenians return territory to Azerbaijan as part of peace deal.

First handover of land held by ethnic Armenians to Azerbajian is due on Sunday under deal ending six weeks of fighting. 
13 ноября, 2020

Em entrevista à emissora RT, o porta-voz do Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov, disse que a Rússia não tinha o direito de enviar tropas para Nagorno-Karabakh sem que os dois lados…

Arab NewsArab News

YEREVAN: Armenia has freed prominent opposition figures charged with staging violent unrest over a peace deal with Azerbaijan that ended weeks of deadly fighting over a disputed province, lawyers said Friday. 


«Traición» grita la oposición armenia, en pie de guerra contra el acuerdo de paz en Nagorno Karabaj. 

European ViewsEuropean Views

Protesters are urging Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to step down from office after inking a deal with Russia to turn over areas of Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan.

The Jerusalem Post | JPost.comThe Jerusalem Post | JPost.com
O presidente francês, Emmanuel Macron, recebeu representantes da comunidade armênia na França nesta quinta-feira (12) e prometeu ajuda humanitária a Erevan.
12 ноября, 2020

Last week System Of A Down released music for the first time in 15 years. The music was released under their campaign to raise money and awareness of the ongoing war in Armenia and Artsakh.

L'Opinione delle LibertàL’Opinione delle Libertà

Lunedi 9 novembre alle 22 locali è entrato in vigore il “cessate il fuoco totale” tra Armenia e Azerbaigian per il conflitto nel Nagorno-Karabakh…


Scompiglio nel parlamento armeno dopo la tregua umanitaria…

France 24France 24

Armenia detains critics of Karabakh peace deal

Estado de MinasEstado de Minas
Dez líderes da oposição armênia foram detidos nesta quinta-feira por suposto envolvimento em manifestações violentas contra a assinatura pela Armênia.
11 ноября, 2020

Interrotte le ostilità nella regione del Caucaso, ora la sfida è far durare la tregua, invocata da tutta la comunità internazionale. In prima linea …

South China Morning PostSouth China Morning Post

Demonstrators storm government buildings after PM agrees to cede swathes of disputed territory to end weeks of intense fighting that left more than 1,400 dead.


An anti-government rally in Armenia today was broken up by police, who dragged away several of the leaders. 


Por su parte, la oposición armenia se movilizó contra el primer ministro Pashinyan por firmar el cese de hostilidades en Nagorno Karabaj, en el que aceptó la devolución de territorios a Azerbaiyán.

Democracy Now!Democracy Now!
In Armenia, protesters stormed a government building in the capital Yerevan Monday night following the announcement of an agreement to end the raging six-week conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. 

Soldados russos chegaram à região disputada por Armênia e Azerbaijão, depois que os dois países assinaram um acordo de cessar-fogo. O pacto fo…

The personnel unloaded the aircraft and formed convoys to go to the area of service…
10 ноября, 2020

Effective use of a variety of drones against ill-prepared opponents was the key to Azerbaijan’s gains in the Causasus war. There are lessons here for the U.S. military.

France 24France 24

Armenia PM Pashinyan: from protest hero to war ‘traitor’


Agreement sparks outrage in Armenia, with angry protesters storming government headquarters in Yerevan.


Armenian protesters stormed government buildings in the capital of Yerevan after a peace agreement was reached with Azerbaijan.

South China Morning PostSouth China Morning Post

Declaration by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan comes after six weeks of heavy fighting over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.


Rusia y Azerbayán pactan acabar con los combates que se han cobrado un millar de muertos en seis semanas.

Arab NewsArab News

YEREVAN: Armenia and Azerbaijan agreed on a deal with Russia to end weeks of fierce clashes over Nagorno-Karabakh on Tuesday, after a string of Azerbaijani victories in its fight to retake the disputed region.


YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) — Armenia and Azerbaijan announced an agreement early Tuesday to halt fighting over the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan under a pact signed with Russia that calls for deployment of nearly 2,000 Russian peacekeepers and territorial concessions. 

O GloboO Globo

Pacto consolida os ganhos territoriais obtidos pelo Azerbaijão ao sul e ao norte da região montanhosa e enfurece população armênia, que o considera capitulação; analista ouvido pelo GLOBO avalia que acordo foi uma vitória para Baku

Folha de S.PauloFolha de S.Paulo

Termos levam manifestantes às ruas contra premiê em Ierevan; Putin e Erdogan são ganhadores.



Australian Financial ReviewAustralian Financial Review

President Putin said Russian peacekeepers would be deployed along the frontline in Nagorno-Karabakh and the corridor between the region and Armenia.

Yahoo News - Latest News & HeadlinesYahoo News — Latest News & Headlines
Armenia and Azerbaijan agreed on a deal with Russia to end weeks of fierce clashes over Nagorno-Karabakh on Tuesday, after a string of Azerbaijani victories in its fight to retake the disputed region.
9 ноября, 2020
Republic WorldRepublic World

Education minister of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, Lusine Karakhanyan said that over 70 schools and more than 10 kindergartens have been destroyed.

El EspañolEl Español

La banda System of a Down ha lanzado sus dos primeras canciones en 15 años, pero forman parte de una guerra cultural entre países.

France 24France 24

Armenia says fighting continues for key Karabakh town

Estado de MinasEstado de Minas

A Armênia garantiu, nesta segunda-feira (9), que os combates continuam em Nagorno Karabakh pelo controle da estratégica cidade de Shusha, a qual o Aze…

La VanguardiaLa Vanguardia
Miles de civiles huyen de la capital de Nagorno-Karabaj ante el avance de las fuerzas azeríes.
8 ноября, 2020

But Armenian officials were quick to deny the claim that Shusha had been seized.


BAKU — Azerbaijan said Sunday its forces had captured the key town of Shusha from Armenian separatists in Nagorno-Karabakh, but Armenia insisted that fighting for the strategically vital area was ongoing. 


Shushi is close to Nagorno-Karabakh capital and on a main road that connects the territory to Armenia.


If Azerbaijan captures Karabakh’s cities, what will happen to the civilians there? The question is becoming urgent as Azerbaijani forces close in and Armenians deny the need for an evacuation.

the Guardianthe Guardian

President Aliyev says country’s forces have taken Shusha, despite Armenian denials


In a televised address to the nation, President Ilham Aliyev said “Shusha is ours — Karabakh is ours,” using the Azerbaijani version of the city’s name.


MOSCOW (AP) — Azerbaijani forces have taken control of the strategically key city of Shushi in Nagorno-Karabakh where fighting with Armenia has raged for more than a month, the country’s president…

BBC NewsBBC News
President Ilham Aliyev says Azerbaijan has taken Shusha, but Armenia says fighting is ongoing.
7 ноября, 2020
Geopolitics NewsGeopolitics News

Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron discussed in a phone call the ongoing fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh and expressed


International concern is growing over fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which threatens to draw in regional powers and destabilize an area that serves as an important energy corridor for global markets.


Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh in a telephone call with French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, the Kremlin said on Saturday.

The Moscow TimesThe Moscow Times

Heavy fighting near key town, as analysts fear “bloody battle” could be brewing in a decisive moment for conflict.

The deadly fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia that reignited in Nagorno-Karabakh in late September is entering a decisive phase.
6 ноября, 2020
Tehran TimesTehran Times

TEHRAN — IRGC Commander Major General Hossein Salami said on Thursday that Iran will react decisively to any threat in its border areas.


La utilización de estas armas se habría dirigido de forma indiscriminada contra soldados y población civil. 

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

With Azerbaijan waging war against the homeland of the band members’ ancestors, the group decided to strike back and use its music to raise funds for its countrymen.

Yahoo EntertainmentYahoo Entertainment

Whoa! Raise your hand if you saw System of a Down releasing new music this year — especially after the political back-and-forth between singer Serj Tankian and drummer John Dolmayan. 

Arte Sonora: Revista de Música e Instrumentos MusicaisArte Sonora: Revista de Música e Instrumentos Musicais
Há muito que os fãs de System Of a Down ansiavam pelo regresso da banda aos originais. Eis “Protect the Land” e “Genocidal Humanoidz”! 
5 ноября, 2020

The fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh has touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis and Armenians who call Russia home.

Periodistas en EspañolPeriodistas en Español

Reporteros sin Fronteras (RSF) ha hecho una llamada urgente este jueves 5 de noviembre 2020 a Naciones Unidas, el Consejo de Europa y las autoridades de…


Though Iran professes neutrality in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, calls for an immediate ceasefire, and offers to mediate between the warring sides (see EDM, October 21), Tehran’s political elite is sharply split on how to respond to the fighting in the South Caucasus.


Azerbaijan’s military is closing in on Nagorno-Karabakh’s strategic mountain fortress city of Shushi/Susa and the breakaway region’s vital southern supply route from Armenia.

Azerbaijan does not play the role of invader—Muslim or otherwise—that has been chosen for us. We only hope to recover what was lost nearly thirty years ago.
4 ноября, 2020

An official at Azeri club Qarabag has been provisionally banned by UEFA while he is investigated for potentially «violating basic rules of decent conduct» in comments he made on social media, the European soccer body said on Wednesday. 

El Nuevo SigloEl Nuevo Siglo

Vladimir Putin, aseguró que su Gobierno está haciendo todo lo posible para poner fin al conflicto en Nagorno Karabaj.

Foreign PolicyForeign Policy

Foreign Policy recommends: Al Jazeera’s The Take. 


ACI Stampa


Nurlan Ibrahimov é acusado de ‘racismo, discriminação e conduta imprópria’


Fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the region continued on Tuesday (November 3) in multiple locations along the front line. 

Washington PostWashington Post

An Azerbaijani soccer club official has been suspended by UEFA while under investigation for posting offensive comments about Armenia on social media

Yahoo News - Latest News & HeadlinesYahoo News — Latest News & Headlines

Hrach Vanyan, 75, removes debris in his apartment damaged by shelling during the ongoing military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh…


Journalists are risking their lives to report from the deadly war over Nagorno-Karabakh, but for many, the conflict barely seems to register.

O Jornal EconómicoO Jornal Económico

Apesar de se encontrarem em terrenos opostos — a Turquia a apoia o Azerbaijão enquanto a Rússia apoia a Arménia — Moscovo considera que não haverá uma solução sustentável para a região se o Grupo de Minsk prescindir das opiniões de Ancara.

Tercera InformaciónTercera Información

«Israel se ha alineado con Turquía, terroristas y mercenarios sirios para respaldar a Azerbaiyán en el actual conflicto con Armenia, y eventualmente sufrirá las consecuencias de esta alianza», dijo el Premier armenio.


O grupo ultranacionalista turco “Lobos Cinzentos” (Les Loups Gris, em francês) foi proibido oficialmente nesta quarta-feira (4) em decisão tomada durante o conselho de ministros do governo francês. O…

Egypt IndependentEgypt Independent

YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) — Russia’s top diplomat said Tuesday that about 2,000 fighters from the Middle East have joined the fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh, the worst outbreak of hostilities in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in more than a quarter-century.


About 40,000 civilians have fled from Karabakh into Armenia, where they are being accommodated in schools, hotels, and in volunteers’ homes. 

La VanguardiaLa Vanguardia

La disolución forzosa de este grupo forma parte de la ofensiva jurídica contra el islamismo radical como consecuencia de los últimos… 

Republic WorldRepublic World

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei described the fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan as a “bitter incident.”

Belarusian Telegraph AgencyBelarusian Telegraph Agency

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has approved a draft intergovernmental agreement with Armenia on readmission as a basis for further talks.

Greek City TimesGreek City Times
A Cypriot Member of the European Parliament called on the European Union to stop «the criminal actions of the Azeris and Turks.»
3 ноября, 2020

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin discussed the Nagorno-Karabakh military conflict in phone calls with Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on Nov. 1 and with Azeri President Ilham Aliyev on Nov. 2, the Kremlin said on Monday. 

Washington ExaminerWashington Examiner

Russia is threatening military intervention if Azerbaijan refuses to enjoin a lasting cease fire in its ongoing conflict with Armenia. In a statement, the Russian foreign ministry warned that «Russia will render [Armenia] all necessary assistance if clashes take place directly on [its] territory.»

The Jerusalem Post | JPost.comThe Jerusalem Post | JPost.com
Pashinyan said that it was only a matter of time before Turkey’s “imperialistic ambition” will be aimed toward Israel.
2 ноября, 2020

France interior minister labelled group ‘particularly aggressive’; told lawmakers he would seek ban at cabinet meeting.

RT en EspañolRT en Español

La ofensiva dejó un civil muerto y dos heridos.


Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha parlato al telefono con il presidente azero Ilham Aliyev e il primo ministro armeno Nikol Pashinyan: è stata discussa la…


ARMENIA-AZERBAIJAN/ (PIX, TV):Armenia calls for probe into ‘foreign mercenaries’ in Karabakh 


Alta Comissária para os Direitos Humanos denuncia “ataques indiscriminados” contra as populações civis e a ocorrência de execuções extrajudiciais no território disputado entre Arménia e Azerbaijão. 

France 24France 24

France is to ban a Turkish ultra-nationalist group known as the Grey Wolves, the interior minister said Monday, after a memorial to victims of the Armenian Genocide was defaced at the weekend.


Artillery strikes on civilians in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict could amount to war crimes, the U.N. human rights chief said on Monday, reiterating a call for Azerbaijan and Armenia to halt attacks on towns, schools and hospitals in the mountain enclave.


A Armênia acusou nesta segunda-feira (2) o exército do Azerbaijão de bombardear seu território, matando um civil e ferindo duas pessoas, aumentando o temor sobre uma nova escalada do conflito na região de Nagorno Karabakh. “Hoje o lado azerbaijano disparou tiros de artilharia contra posições das forças armadas armênias e na cidade de Davit Bek”, […]



Baku anunciou ter derrubado um caça Su-25 pertencente à Força Aérea da Armênia após a aeronave atacar posições azeris.


Paris, Nov 2, 2020 (AFP) — UEFA has launched an investigation amid calls for sanctions against Azerbaijani club Qarabag after one of its staff apparently posted a hate message targeting Armenians, European football’s governing body said on Monday.


A Federação Arménia já pediu que o clube do Azerbaijão Qarabag fosse excluído das competições europeias por ter apelado a «matar todos os arménio…

Washington PostWashington Post
1 ноября, 2020

An Armenian association in France expressed outrage Sunday after a memorial centre to the mass killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire was defaced with pro-Turkish slogans.


Fighting over the separatist territory of Nagorno-Karabakh has entered a sixth week with Armenian and Azerbaijani forces blaming each other for new attacks


Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev issued more dire warnings over the ongoing fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh on November 1 as he and other senior officials met with a senior visiting delegation from staunch ally Turkey.


Após a oração mariana do Angelus, o veemente apelo de Francisco em favor da paz na região do Cáucaso e um pensamento aos atingidos pelo violento …


Azeri President Ilham Aliyev said on Sunday his troops would «go to the end» should negotiations fail to result in an agreement by ethnic Armenian forces to withdraw from Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding regions. 


BAKÚ (Sputnik) — Armenia no tiene razones legales para pedir ayuda militar a Rusia, declaró el presidente de Azerbaiyán, Ilham Aliyev. 

Pulso Diario San LuisPulso Diario San Luis

Moscú, Ruia.- Rusia ofrecerá a Armenia todo el apoyo necesario en caso de que la guerra por el control de Nagorno Karabaj se extienda a su territorio,…

Tercera InformaciónTercera Información
“En correspondencia con el acuerdo, Rusia ofrecerá a Ereván todo el apoyo necesario, si los combates se trasladan al territorio armenio”, comunicó el sábado el Ministerio de Exteriores de Rusia, refiriéndose al Tratado de Amistad, Cooperación y Asistencia Mutua entre la Federación Rusa y la República de Armenia (1997). La nota enfatiza a las partes enfrentadas […]
31 октября, 2020

O anúncio de Moscovo, que num comunicado apelou também a um cessar-fogo, ocorreu depois de o primeiro-ministro arménio, Nikol Pachinian, ter solicitado formalmente ao Presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, para começar consultas “urgentes” sobre a ajuda que a Rússia poderá dar para garantir a segurança da Arménia.

Folha de S.PauloFolha de S.Paulo

Três acordos de cessar-fogo entre armênios e azeris já falharam na disputa por Nagorko-Karabakh

Estado de MinasEstado de Minas

A Rússia está disposta a fornecer uma ajuda

Cluster Munition Coalition Condemns Reported Use of the Weapon by Armenia and Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh.
30 октября, 2020
The Moscow TimesThe Moscow Times

The Armenia-controlled districts surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh are key parts of hampered Russian, French and U.S.-led peace talks.

The Jerusalem Post | JPost.comThe Jerusalem Post | JPost.com
Greek City TimesGreek City Times

The President of the Greek Community in Armenia, Maria Lazareva,  spoke about her community and the war in Artsakh in an interview with Inga Abgarova to the…

The TelegraphThe Telegraph

The terrorist attacks in France come just days after Turkey’s despotic leader condemned President Macron 

YEREVAN, Armenia — The Azerbaijani army closed in Thursday on a key town in Nagorno-Karabakh following more than a month of intense fighting, while top diplomats from Azerbaijan and Armenia.
29 октября, 2020

When conflict broke out in Nagorno-Karabakh last month, Aghasi Asatryan was thousands of kilometres away in Germany, embarking on a career as an IT specialist.


Russian President Vladimir Putin said Turkey should be among countries involved in talks to end fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh, as Azerbaijan and Armenia again accused each other on Thursday of shelling civilians in and around the mountain enclave.


Conservative Sen. Leo Housakos is calling on Canada to recognize the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh and «immediately condemn the joint Azerbaijani-Turkish aggression» against the breakaway Armenian-populated region in the South Caucasus.

The Economic TimesThe Economic Times

Hany pointed out the hidden agenda of Erdogan which he successfully closeted in from European powers and Middle East. “He has become the ‘sick man of Europe and lost friends all over. With his taking up Uyghur issue in China or desire to mediate in Kashmir conflict, there is a desperate attempt to proclaim leadership of Islam.


The fighting on Iran’s northwestern border has begun to alarm officials who are attempting to mediate a cease-fire between the two sides.


Amnesty International is again calling on both sides to immediately stop using cluster munitions, and to prioritize the protection of civilians.

RT InternationalRT International

Turkish nationalists marched through the outskirts of Lyon, France, following violent clashes with ethnic Armenians who had blocked a roadway to show their support for Yerevan in its war with Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Mehr News AgencyMehr News Agency

TEHRAN, Oct. 29 (MNA) – Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi discussed the latest developments in the region with Azerbaijan Republic’s President Ilham Aliyev.


Renewed clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia erupted on September 27


Estallaron intensos combates entre Armenia y Azerbaiyán el miércoles a pesar de una tregua lograda con mediación estadounidense apenas dos días atrás para cesar el conflicto en torno a la región de Nagorno-Karabaj. Funcionarios de Nagorno-Karabaj indicaron que fuerzas azerbaiyanas atacaron

El EspañolEl Español

Sé que la lucha contra el virus nos reclama. Sé que casi parece incívico, casi por no decir que es una «impiedad covidiana», intentar, en estos tiempos que corren, mirar más allá de nuestras narices y de la mascarilla.


Three pro-Armenia demonstrators were stabbed and a motorist was in custody following a confrontation over a protest road blockage in Fresno Wednesday night, according to KTLA sister station KSEE/KG…


O Azerbaijão apelou ao Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos Humanos para aplicar «medidas provisórias» contra a Arménia, de maneira a que forças ar… 

Folha de S.PauloFolha de S.Paulo
Ataque com mísseis deixa ao menos 22 vítimas nesta quarta; confrontos entram no 2º mês
28 октября, 2020

Azerbaijan accuses Armenia of killing 21 people and wounding dozens in a missile strike near the disputed region. 

Mehr News AgencyMehr News Agency

TEHRAN, Oct. 28 (MNA) – Iranian embassy in Baku condemned the attack on the city of Barda and noted that any aggression against innocent people is against international law.


Armenia and Azerbaijan have come to blows over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh after a quarter of a century. There are numerous geo-strategic interests at play in the conflict that will impact regional peace and security.

SWI swissinfo.chSWI swissinfo.ch

O Azerbaijão acusou nesta quarta-feira (28) a Armênia de ter matado 21 civis e ferido várias dezenas em ataques com mísseis contra Barda, perto de Nagorno Karabakh, as piores vítimas civis em um mês de combates naquela região separatista


Sirenes de ataque aéreo foram acionadas em Stepanakert enquanto Azerbaijão lançava foguetes Smerch contra a cidade, segundo o serviço estatal para situações de…


Azerbaiyán dijo este miércoles que 19 personas murieron y 60 resultaron heridas por un ataque con misil armenio en Barda, cerca del territorio separatista de Nagorno Karabaj. Armenia lo niega.


A small Russian military outpost has appeared on the Armenian border, but both Armenians and Russians are keeping quiet about it.

O GloboO Globo
De acordo com especialistas ouvidos pelo GLOBO, objetivo de Baku é sufocar área de maioria armênia
27 октября, 2020

Hadija perdeu os pais e a irmã mais velha depois de ataques na cidade de Ganja. Países estão lutando na fronteira, mas civis quem estão sofrendo.

AlKhaleej TodayAlKhaleej Today

Too many players threaten the South Caucasus

la Repubblicala Repubblica

Per l’accademica di origini armene solo la diplomazia «a muso duro» può fermare gli scontri:  «Dietro al conflitto c’&egrave…


Un tercer intento de poner fin a los combates en las fuerzas azerbaiyanas y separatistas armenias en Nagorno Karabaj estalló en pedazos ayer, ya que las dos partes se acusaron de violar el alto el fuego. 

Diario La RepúblicaDiario La República

La «tregua humanitaria» en los combates que se registran en torno a la región separatista de Nagorno Karabaj, desde el 27 de setiembre, debía comenzar a las 8 de este lunes.


Turkey’s lira weakened to a fresh record low against the dollar on Tuesday, after Ankara’s relations with its Western allies soured in recent days and the central bank did not raise its policy rate last week.


Renewed clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia erupted on September 27


Uma equipa da Euronews foi até à barragem de Sugovushan (Madagiz para os arménios) em Nagorno-Karabakh. Durante a reportagem, a viatura onde seguiam os nossos jornalistas escapou por milímetros a um míssil.

La VanguardiaLa Vanguardia

Los dos anteriores altos el fuego por razones humanitarias tampoco fueron respetados por las partes en conflicto

junge Weltjunge Welt
Iran: Schwierigkeiten bei der Positionierung im Krieg zwischen Aserbaidschan und Armenien • Foto: Aziz Karimov/REUTERS 
26 октября, 2020

Earlier the top Armenian and Azeri diplomats signed a new humanitarian ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh with the US mediation. 

Egypt IndependentEgypt Independent

YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) — Armenia and Azerbaijan on Monday accused each other of violating the new cease-fire announced the day before in a bid to halt the fighting over the separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh that has killed hundreds, and possibly thousands, in just four weeks.


Stepanakert, Azerbaijão, 26 Out 2020 (AFP) — A terceira tentativa de acabar com os combates entre as tropas azerbaijanas e as forças separatistas armênias em Nagorno Karabakh fracassou nesta segunda-feira (26), quando as duas partes trocaram acusações


Poucos minutos depois do início da trégua, anunciada pelos EUA, já o Ministério da Defesa do Azerbaijão acusava a Arménia de a violar e este país respondia que tinham sido os azerbaijanos a fazê-lo.


YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) — Armenia and Azerbaijan on Monday accused each other of violating a new cease-fire announced the day before in a bid to halt the fighting over the separatist region of…


Arménia e Azerbaijão concordaram este domingo em tentar pela terceira vez um cessar-fogo, mas quase imediatamente voltaram a fazer acusações mútuas de violá-lo. Confrontos por Nagorno-Karabakh chegam a quatro semanas.

In late September 2020, unconfirmed reports began to circulate on social media alleging that members of the Syrian National Army (SNA), Turkey’s proxy forces in northern Syria, had been sent to Azerbaijan.


The situation with a continuous ceasefire and a frozen conflict does not suit Azerbaijan, the president said.


Azerbaijan’s defence ministry said on Monday that Armenian forces violated a ceasefire agreed on Sunday and shelled villages in Terter and Lachin regions.

The Daily BeastThe Daily Beast

Azerbaijan’s Turkish and Israeli drones are wiping out tanks, artillery, and soldiers as the Armenians lose ground in the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

ABC NewsABC News

Armenia and Azerbaijan have accused each other of violating the new U.S.-brokered cease-fire aimed to halt the fighting over the separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

the Guardianthe Guardian

Ceasefire deal in Nagorno-Karabakh under threat as both sides allege breaches within hours of it coming into force.


Armenia’s defense ministry reported on Monday morning that Baku had violated the ceasefire, opening artillery fire at the positions of the Nagorno-Karabakh defense army in the northeastern section of the contact line


A US-brokered truce came into effect on Monday but like two previous peace attempts, it is struggling to hold.


Azeri President Ilham Aliyev said in address to the nation that Azerbaijan wanted to resolve the conflict over its breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region by political and military means.


A U.S.-backed ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh was in jeopardy on Monday as Azerbaijan and ethnic Armenian forces renewed fighting in the mountain enclave, defying international efforts to end a conflict that has killed hundreds in the last month.

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed to a third cease-fire, this one brokered by the U.S., in their deadly conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh.

BBC NewsBBC News

Armenia and Azerbaijan accuse each other of violating a third attempt at a ceasefire within minutes.


Os embates mais recentes em Nagorno-Karabakh, uma parte montanhosa do Azerbaijão povoada e controlada por armênios étnicos, são os piores no sul do Cáucaso desde os anos 1990. Centenas já morreram, e duas tréguas mediadas pela Rússia não foram mantidas. 


Armenian and Azeri forces accuse each other of artillery strikes within minutes of truce coming into effect.


Die Feuerpausen in der Konfliktregion sind ebenso zahlreich wie nichtig. Auch der dritte Anlauf endet in Gewalt.

Asia TimesAsia Times

The electronic warfare system is known as “Belladonna”, a poisonous plant that gets its name from Renaissance women who used its extract for tinctures to dilate the pupils of their eyes…

РИА НовостиРИА Новости

Министерство обороны Азербайджана обвинило вооруженные силы Армении в грубом нарушении режима прекращения огня сразу после вступления в силу нового перемирия в… РИА Новости, 26.10.2020


Lobbying firms representing Turkey and Azerbaijan are finding themselves under pressure to reconsider their relationships with both clients.

25 октября, 2020
Bulgarian Military Industry ReviewBulgarian Military Industry Review

Since September 27 this year, Armenia and Azerbaijan have been waging a devastating war for both nations in the region of the unrecognized republic of Nagorno-Karabakh.


Ab Montag sollen in Berg-Karabach die Waffen ruhen, teilte das US-Außenministerium mit. Mehrere vorherige Einigungsversuche waren gescheitert. 


Der stellvertretende russische Außenminister hat erklärt, dass der Berg-Karabach-Konflikt die Zusammenarbeit Moskaus mit der Türkei in Syrien nicht beeinträchtigen wird. 

Los Angeles Review of BooksLos Angeles Review of Books

Fabulations and geopolitical fictions swirl around accounts of the crisis in Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh. In a breathtaking redaction of the historical record, media narratives stage a scene of military offensives unfolding between equally-matched belligerents over territory populated by Armenians but claimed by Azerbaijan. Each time these scenes appear, they flatten the reality of Armenian liberation efforts into …


Josep Borrell and Margaritis Schinas criticize Turkey after its president doubled down on criticism of the French president and EU.


По данным Генпрокуратуры Армении, начиная с августа 2020 года многие военнослужащие подразделений специального назначения ВС Турции обучали армию Азербайджана и принимали участие в боевых действиях


New fighting erupted between Azerbaijan and ethnic Armenian forces on Sunday over the mountainous enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh as both sides blamed each other for blocking a peaceful settlement to the conflict.

ANF NewsANF News
Seit dem 27. September 2020 eskalieren die Kampfhandlungen zwischen Armenien und Aserbaidschan nach einem groß angelegten aserbaidschanischen Angriff mit türkischer Unterstützung auf die internatio… 
24 октября, 2020
El ConfidencialEl Confidencial

El violinista Ara Malikian habla de cómo ha dejado de lado sus ideas (no creo en las fronteras) en el caso del conflicto armenio, que le toca de cerca: es una catástrofe humanitaria

Greek City TimesGreek City Times

Ever since Artsakh was invaded by the Azeri Turks, I have been astounded by the worldwide mobilization of Armenians including protests in major cities around

Он заявил, что более 800 армянских солдат погибли, отражая атаки со стороны Азербайджана.
23 октября, 2020
Конкретно.ru - новостной портал.Конкретно.ru — новостной портал.

Самый, пожалуй, известный военкор РФ, не вылезавший с передовой в Донбассе и в Сирии, автор документального проекта war gonzo Семён Пегов в интервью «Конкретно.ру» – о ходе боевых действий в Карабахе, участии в них наёмников с Ближнего Востока, и о том, почему эта война всё-таки наша.О масштабах–


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, shake hands during a news conference, in Moscow, M…

Strumenti PoliticiStrumenti Politici

Parce que des Arméniens continuent à être hospitalisés à cause de la guerre, parce que les déplacés de l’Artsakh continuent à avoir froid, et surtout…


Президент США Дональд Трамп сообщил о достижении хорошего прогресса на переговорах по Нагорному Карабаху, передает RT .

Human Rights WatchHuman Rights Watch

Azerbaijan has repeatedly used widely banned cluster munitions in residential areas in Nagorno-Karabakh.


Credit: Radio Free Europe In September 2020, Azerbaijani troops crossed the «Line of Contact» dividing Karabakh. Turkey intervened on the side of Azerbaijan. Armenia supports Artsakh. Azerbaijan uses laser guided drones supplied by Turkey and Israel to target Armenian troops, villages and civilians. Azerbaijani militar…


Außerdem am 25. Oktober um 12.30 Uhr in ORF 2: Kämpfe um Bergkarabach: Ein „eingefrorener Konflikt“ eskaliert.


Ein neues Buch von Amalia van Gent über Armenien gibt dem hierzulande wenig bekannten Land ein Gesicht – unvorhergesehen aktuell.

Guerra in Nagorno-Karabakh, Putin: già 5mila morti in 3 settimaneMSN

Secondo il presidente russo Vladimir Putin quasi sono già quasi 5mila i morti in poco più di tre settimane di guerra tra azeri e armeni per il Nagorno-Karabakh. «Secondo i nostri dati — ha detto in tv — il numero delle vittime è di quasi 2.000 per parte, questo significa che il totale si sta avvicinando a 5mila». Azeri e armeni si contendono da decenni il Nagorno-Karabakh ma a fine settembre il conflitto si è riacceso.

O Jornal EconómicoO Jornal Económico

É gritante a impotência da mediação internacional e a inépcia para encontrar soluções. Em quase três décadas de existência, o Grupo de Minsk foi incapaz de delinear uma estratégia de paz consistente.


Moscou, 22 Out 2020 (AFP) — O número de mortos desde a retomada dos combates no final de setembro entre o Azerbaijão e os separatistas armênios em Nagorno Karabakh se aproxima de 5.000 — declarou o presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, nesta quinta-feira


BAKU, Azerbaijan, Oct. 23 — Armenian appeal to NATO is another misleading diplomatic offensive of Yerevan that will not deliver any results to Armenia’s defensive posture, in the long run, Peter M. Tase, US expert, strategic adviser on international affairs and public diplomacy to governments, universities, and corporations in Europe and the Americas told Trend.


The United Nations chief is appealing for cease-fires in the world’s major conflicts, from Yemen and Libya to Afghanistan and Nagorno-Karabakh, warning that if fighting continues “the only winner is the pandemic.”

France 24France 24

Hopes of ending nearly a month of bloodshed in the mountain enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh looked slim on Thursday as Azeri and ethnic Armenian forces fought new battles on the eve of talks in Washingto…


Several enemy strongholds were destroyed, important territories and heights were captured, Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry said

I due capi delle diplomazie di Yerevan e Baku prenderanno parte a dei colloquii insieme al segretario di Stato americano Mike Pompeo.

No JR Mundo desta quinta-feira (22), o apresentador André Tal entrevista Arman Akopian, embaixador da Armênia no Brasil, que fala sobre a preo…
22 октября, 2020

Si la France entend encore être écoutée et respectée, elle doit parler haut, fort et clair. Valérie Boyer revient sur la situation tragique au Haut-Karabagh et sur le conflit entre l’Arménie et l’Azerbaïdjan.

BBC News Русская службаBBC News Русская служба

Корреспонденты Русской службы Би-би-си вернулись в Степанакерт, чтобы узнать, что происходит с жителями Нагорного Карабаха в условиях объявленного перемирия.

National ReviewNational Review

Syrians fighting in Azerbaijan are motivated by plain religious intolerance, not merely mercenary self-interest.



YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) — Heavy fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh continued Thursday with Armenia and Azerbaijan trading blame for new attacks, hostilities that raised the threat of Turkey and Russia…


Hopes of ending nearly a month of bloodshed in the mountain enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh looked slim on Thursday as Azeri and ethnic Armenian forces fought new battles on the eve of talks in Washington. 


«Atualmente, o conflito está na pior das suas variantes», lamentou Vladimir Putin, na qualidade de líder da principal potência regional que …


Nato and the EU have declined to publicly criticise Turkey’s involvement in the Armenia-Azerbaijan warfare despite Armenia’s personal appeal.

Nikkei AsiaNikkei Asia

But leader remains open to three-way meeting with Yerevan and Moscow


Ilham Aliyev also said he was not against the introduction of observers and peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh. 

Tehran TimesTehran Times

TEHRAN — Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has welcomed any Iranian initiative to help end the ongoing war between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh.


Seit Wochen tobt im Südkaukasus der Kampf um Berg-Karabach. Auch in Ostfriesland setzen sich Armenier für ihre Landsleute in der Konfliktregion ein. Die Lage ist allerdings kompliziert – und der Ausgang des Konflikts ist weiterhin offen.


Binz (ots) — Seit dem 27. September 2020 wird die armenisch christliche Bevölkerung in Berg-Karabach von der Armee Aserbaidschans angegriffen, die dabei von der Türkei und syrischen Dschihadisten unterstützt.


Die Chancen für ein Ende der Kämpfe zwischen Aserbaidschan und Armenien sind gering. In Aserbaidschan dringen Vertriebene auf Rückkehr, und Armenien fürchtet um seine Existenz.

Nürnberger BlattNürnberger Blatt
Nato-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg hat die Türkei aufgefordert, zur Entspannung im Konflikt um die Kaukasus-Region Berg-Karabach beizutragen. Armenien und Aserbaidschan müssten ihre Feindseligkeiten einstellen und einen sofortigen Waffenstillstand einhalten, sagte Stoltenberg am Donnerstag nach einer Video-Konferenz der Nato-Verteidigungsminister.


Armenien – Im blutigen Konflikt in Berg-Karabach im Südkaukasus geht Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin von mittlerweile Tausenden Toten aus. Die Gesamtzahl auf beiden Seiten nähere sich bereits der 5000, sagte er am Donnerstag in Moskau.


Im Konflikt um Berg-Karabach fordern Armenien und Aserbeidschan von Deutschland ein aktiveres Engagement – und hoffen auf Stärkung der eigenen Position. Deutschland drängt beide Länder zurück an den Verhandlungstisch.

The Sydney Morning Herald

Its Prime Minister has asked for volunteers to defend Nagorno-Karabakh which Azerbaijan claims. Armenia has Russia on its side, while Azerbaijan has Turkey.

La VanguardiaLa Vanguardia

Bakú/Tiflis, 22 oct (EFE).- El Ministerio de Defensa de Azerbaiyán denunció hoy un ataque con seis cohetes balísticos desde el territorio de…


Konstantin Zatulin, a long-serving Russian Duma member from Putin’s United Russia ruling party, told Russian media outlet NSN that Russia may send airborne troops to aid Armenia through the Georgia…


O Ministério da Defesa do Azerbaijão afirma que diversos mísseis balísticos foram lançados a partir da Armênia em direção ao norte do país.


The Armenian diaspora in France — the largest in western Europe — is urging the country to do more to support Yerevan in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. But Paris is, so far, acting with restraint.

BBC NewsBBC News
There are false videos that have gone viral. Some are doctored or old footage that has thousands of views.
21 октября, 2020
France 24France 24
De nombreuses familles ont fui les combats au Haut-Karabakh, région séparatiste d’Azerbaïdjan peuplée majoritairement d’Arméniens, pour trouver refuge à Goris, en Arménie. Les hôtels de la ville étan…


Armenia’s prime minister said on Wednesday he saw no possibility of a diplomatic solution at this stage in the conflict with Azerbaijan over the mountain enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Institute for War and Peace ReportingInstitute for War and Peace Reporting

The reignition of the Nagorny Karabakh conflict has put Ukraine, a traditional ally of Azerbaijan, in a difficult position as it attempts to balance its diplomatic needs. Not only are there large Armenian and Azeri communities living in Ukraine, but since Kyiv views all conflicts in the post-Soviet space as connected to Russia’s ambitions to restore control over former Soviet Republics, Karabakh is a reminder of its own war with Russia in the country’s east. Ukraine has supported the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan ever since the first ceasefire in 1994. 


News of Washington meeting comes after Biden accused Trump administration of ‘disengagement’ from the crisis


Nelle ultime quattro settimane il conflitto tra Armenia e Azerbaigian per il controllo della repubblica autoproclamata ha causato quasi mille morti. Un reportage dalla città di Stepanakert. Leggi…


Depois de duas tentativas  — ambas falhadas — para conseguir um cessar-fogo entre forças Arménias e do Azerbaijão no conflito em Nagorno-Karabakh, e enquanto se continua a morrer nas trincheiras da g…


A Armênia descartou, nesta quarta-feira (21), qualquer “solução diplomática” no conflito com o Azerbaijão pela região separatista de Nagorno-Karabakh, o que representa um balde de água fria nos esforços da comunidade internacional para alcançar uma trégua. “Precisamos admitir que a questão de Karabakh, neste momento e há muito tempo, não pode ter uma solução diplomática”, […]

Estado de MinasEstado de Minas

O primeiro-ministro da Armênia, Nikol Pashinyan, afirmou nesta quarta-feira que não se vislumbra nenhuma.


YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) — Armenia’s prime minister said Wednesday that Azerbaijan’s aggressive stance in the 25-day fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh leaves no room for diplomacy, and urged citizens to…


Armenia y Azerbaiyán exigieron un mayor compromiso de Alemania en las negociaciones en el conflicto de Nagorno Karabaj, y esperan que tome posición, mientras Alemania insta a ambos países a retomar las negociaciones. 

Greek City TimesGreek City Times

Recent developments in the Middle East and South Caucasus, Turkey’s direct involvement and war against Armenia now and their backing of terrorists already


Fotos divulgadas nesta quarta-feira (21), por parte do governo Armênio mostram destroços de um drone, de fabricação turca Bayraktar TB2, abatido pelo

Armenia’s prime minister said Wednesday that Azerbaijan’s aggressive stance in the 25-day fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh leaves no room for diplomacy, and urged citizens to sign up as military volunteers to protect their country.
EurAsian Times: Latest Asian, Middle-East, EurAsian, Indian NewsEurAsian Times: Latest Asian, Middle-East, EurAsian, Indian News

The Russian military has reportedly shot down nine Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 drones that were flying near its Gyumri military base in Armenia. Gripen Fighter Jets For India In Jeopardy As SAAB Struggles With Production Snags Deployed by Azerbaijan against Armenian military targets in Nagorno-Karabakh, the Turkish drones were near the airspace of the Russian military […]

Just Security

As scholars debate how international law applies in this conflict, the lack of detail makes it hard to know what is taking place on the ground.

Asia TimesAsia Times

Turkey’s support for the war for Nagorno-Karabakh, a strategic mountainous enclave overlooking two Turkish-backed pipelines, is being propelled by a gas competition with Russia. “Russia is neither …


Turkey will not hesitate to send soldiers and provide military support for Azerbaijan if such a request is made by Baku, Vice President Fuat Okaty said on Wednesday, adding there was no such request at the moment. 


Azerbaijan’s successes on the battlefield appear to have expanded its ambitions as it advances further into previously Armenian-held territory. 

The New York Times
The New York Times | By Carlotta Gall and Ivor Prickett

As the country’s soldiers advance in the conflict with Armenia, every “liberated” territory is celebrated and tens of thousands of refugees plan their return to lost lands.

Letters to the Editor: In the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, Turkey is the real villainMSN
Both the Armenians and Azerbaijanis are guilty of atrocities after the fall of the Soviet Union, a fact that Turkey is exploiting to assert its regional power.


ARMENIA-AZERBAIJAN/KARABAKH-PASHINYAN (URGENT):Armenia’s PM Pashinyan says no diplomatic solution to Karabakh crisis at this stage.

Washington PostWashington Post

The United States should establish a no-fly zone.


Armenia and Azerbaijan continue to fight over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh despite a cease-fire. Anton Troianovski, Moscow correspondent for The New York Times, joins CBSN to talk about the latest from the region. 


Small «enemy groups» are being eliminated mostly in local clashes, Armenian Defense Ministry Spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan said.

Metro USMetro US

YEREVAN/BAKU (Reuters) – Armenia’s prime minister said on Wednesday he saw no possibility of a diplomatic solution at this stage in the conflict with Azerbaijan over the mountain enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.

US News & World ReportUS News & World Report

US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics, business, health, and education.


Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian has told the nation that he sees no possibility of a diplomatic solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, dampening international efforts to forge a sustainable truce between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the breakaway territory.

Im Konflikt um Berg-Karabach fordern Armenien und Aserbeidschan von Deutschland ein aktiveres Engagement – und hoffen auf Stärkung der eigenen Position. Deutschland drängt beide Länder zurück an den Verhandlungstisch.

Armen Sarkissian has said he wants answers from NATO regarding Turkey’s involvement in the conflict.

The TelegraphThe Telegraph

Nowhere in the world is the need for peace more pressing than in the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

The Jerusalem Post | JPost.comThe Jerusalem Post | JPost.com

Turkey will not hesitate to send soldiers and provide military support for Azerbaijan if such a request is made by Baku, Vice President Fuat Okaty said on Wednesday, adding there was no such request at the moment.


In Armenien gibt es aufgrund des Konfliktes um Berg-Karabach immer mehr Flüchtlinge, die notversorgt werden müssen. Die Situation werde von Tag zu Tag ..

EurAsian Times: Latest Asian, Middle-East, EurAsian, Indian NewsEurAsian Times: Latest Asian, Middle-East, EurAsian, Indian News

The Russian military has reportedly shot down nine Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 drones that were flying near its Gyumri military base in Armenia. Gripen Fighter Jets For India In Jeopardy As SAAB Struggles With Production Snags Deployed by Azerbaijan against Armenian military targets in Nagorno-Karabakh, the Turkish drones were near the airspace of the Russian military […]


Two truce attempts have failed to stop Azerbaijan and Armenia fighting, with hundreds dead in less than a month. 

The Investigative JournalThe Investigative Journal

After weeks of Azerbaijani bombardment on civilian areas in Artsakh, officials await a real response from the international community. “It’s very important how active [they] will be in deterring Azerbaijan and Turkey.”

Folha de S.PauloFolha de S.Paulo
Para a Armênia, conflito em Nagorno-Karabakh não passa por solução militar
20 октября, 2020
The Washington TimesThe Washington Times

On Oct. 14, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov proposed that Russian peacekeepers or observers should be deployed to halt the current conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.


Mehr Engagement für Frieden in Berg-Karabach und die armenische Minderheit in der Türkei: Dafür hat ein Verein eine bunte Promi-Truppe zusammengetrommelt.

Fino a prova contrariaFino a prova contraria

Al fine di continuare ad approfondire la questione armena visti i venti di guerra nella regione del Nagorno Karabakh, e per fare emergere quelle che sono le posizioni ufficiali del Governo di Erevan, ho incontrato e intervistato l’Ambasciatrice armena a…


Both Armenia and Azerbaijan must immediately stop the use of heavy explosive weapons in densely populated civilian areas.


Armenia and Azerbaijan said on Tuesday their foreign ministers would meet U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Washington on Friday in efforts to end the heaviest fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh since the 1990s.


Os dois países enfrentam-se no mais grave reacendimento do conflito que os opõe desde a independência, a disputa pelo território arménio de Nagorno-Karabakh, situado dentro das fronteiras azerbaijanas. 


За несколько месяцев близ границ России в странах СНГ возникло сразу несколько очагов нестабильности.

BBC News Русская службаBBC News Русская служба

В первые дни новой карабахской войны на улицах столицы Азербайджана были слышны бравурные песни и развевались флаги. Что изменилось за это время? Похоже, что война стала обыденностью, а многие вновь вспомнили о коронавирусе и других заботах. Наш корреспондент вновь прошёл по улицам Баку. Вот что он увидел.

Les Observateurs de France 24Les Observateurs de France 24

Suivez l’actualité internationale avec les meilleures images amateurs et témoignages de nos Observateurs. Tous les contenus sont vérifiés et expliqués

Asia Times
Asia Times

ANKARA —Descendants of Nagorno Karabakh’s historic Azerbaijani community, displaced since the Armenian majority seized autonomy in the early 1990s, see their government’s new war as a path to retur…


The Trump administration has invited Azerbaijan’s foreign minister to the United States for a meeting this week at the same time that Armenia’s foreign minister will be in Washington.


By Nvard Hovhannisyan and Nailia Bagirova


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will host talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan in a bid to halt fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh.


Nagorno-Karabakh lies within Azerbaijan but has been under the control of ethnic Armenian forces backed by Armenia since a war there ended in 1994.


Armenia and Azerbaijan reported more fighting on Tuesday over the separatist territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, where clashes have continued for over three weeks despite two attempts at establishing a cease-fire.


Press release content from Newswire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.

Tartar and Agdam districts came under attack, according to official Baku.



Whatever one’s views are on Turkey’s trajectory, pro or con, America must have Azerbaijan’s back.


Turkey’s forceful backing of Azerbaijan in its conflict with Armenia, over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, is widely seen as a challenge to Russia’s influence. The question that looms large is why Moscow, which has a formal alliance with Armenia, has been so slow in trying to stop the fighting.

O GloboO Globo

Jornalistas do New York Times encontram civis amontoados em porões enquanto o conflito sobre o disputado território do Cáucaso parece estar longe do fim


Armenia and Azerbaijan said on Tuesday their foreign ministers would meet U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Washington on Friday in efforts to end the heaviest fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh since the 1990s.

Agência BrasilAgência Brasil

Em reunião em Nova York, o Conselho de Segurança analisou a situação do pequeno território montanhoso, onde o reinício dos combates, em 27 de setembro, já deixou centenas de vítimas.

ARMENIA-AZERBAIJAN/KARABAKH-CASUALTIES (URGENT):Nagorno-Karabakh says death toll among its military rises to 772

Yeni ÅafakYeni Åafak

Armenia has become regional, global problem, says Mustafa Sentop


Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya did not rule out that the verification process could be implemented by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

O GloboO Globo

Estima-se que cerca de oito milhões de armênios morem em outros países, quase o triplo da população na própria Armênia

Folha de S.PauloFolha de S.Paulo

Milhares de pessoas marcham em Ierevan por fim de conflito que deixou ao menos 760 mortos


The UN Security Council called on Armenia and Azerbaijan to respect a new cease-fire after closed consultations on October 19 on the situation in the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh.


«En cuanto pueda me voy». En Atenas, un centenar de armenios de Grecia aseguran estar dispuestos a viajar a Nagorno Karabaj para luchar en la guerra entre Armenia y Azerbaiyán, para «defender la patria» y no «revivir un genocidio».

19 октября, 2020
Jihad WatchJihad Watch

  View this post on Instagram   Azeris protesting in Washington DC for war. Playing loud music clearly calling for «jihad» and using the «gray wolves» sign… The Turkish equivalent of the Nazi salute. When will the world see the evil that is produced by Azerbaijan and Turkey? ALL AMERICANS MUST SPEAK UP TO THE…


The Los Angeles-based Armenia Fund sent aid via the Gulf airline. Armenia and Azerbaijan are fighting over the Nagorno-Karabakh region.


Argentinos en zona de guerra: el caso de Nagorno-Karabaj — LA NACION


Acusaciones mutuas entre Armenia y Azerbaiyán por violar el alto el fuego

Jornal ExpressoJornal Expresso

A Turquia participa atualmente em vários conflitos nas imediações do seu território. Desígnio nacional por parte de um país que há 100 anos era um império? Ou sonhos de um Presidente que pensa e age como um sultão?

The Canberra Times

Reports of renewed shelling are challenging a new ceasefire in the conflict over the separatist territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, where heavy fighting between Ar…


A Rússia exigiu hoje o fim imediato da «retórica de confrontação» e dos ataques contra alvos civis na zona de Nagorno-Karabakh, palco desde 27 de setembro de intensos combates entre o Azerbaijão e Arménia.

Jornal ExpressoJornal Expresso

A primeira trégua, negociada sob a égide de Moscovo e que deveria ter tido início em 10 de outubro, nunca foi respeitada


Georgia has long served as proof that trade interests and human contact can trump mutual grudges and the notion of “ancient hatred” cultivated by state propagandists in Armenia and Azerbaijan

Valor EconômicoValor Econômico


Procuradoria-Geral do Azerbaijão afirmou que foguetes lançados pela Armênia, no contexto do conflito em Nagorno-Karabakh, caíram próximo do oleoduto Baku–Novorossiysk.

The Irish TimesThe Irish Times

Three-week-old conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia has settled into war of attrition


Генпрокуратура Азербайджана обвинила вооруженные силы Армении в обстреле нефтепровода «Баку — Новороссийск». Силы ПВО нейтрализовали ракеты, некоторые их части упали на расстоянии 250 метров от нефтепровода. Баку утверждает, что это была попытка умышленного разрушения большого числа объектов инфраструктуры.


Ракеты, выпущенные ВС Армении, упали на расстоянии 250 м от нефтепровода Баку — Новороссийск, заявила в понедельник, 19 октября, Генпрокуратура Азербайджана.

Кавказский УзелКавказский Узел

Азербайджанские военные обстреляли город Мартуни и четыре села Кашатагского района, информация о пострадавших уточняется, сообщили сегодня в Службе ЧС Нагорного Карабаха.


То, что пару недель назад казалось догадкой (см. «Решить карабахский вопрос можно, лишь приняв условия России»), подтверждается.


Турция вновь отправила сирийских боевиков воевать в Нагорный Карабах. Отмечается, что более тысячи боевиков из Сирии направили в регион 16 октября. Сейчас еще одна партия якобы готовится к отправке. О том, что сирийские наемники, поддерживаемые Турцией, готовятся к переброске в Нагорный Карабах, говорилось в октябре. 

РИА НовостиРИА Новости

Фанатичные, вооруженные до зубов, мотивированные и подготовленные — то, что сирийские боевики участвуют в новой карабахской войне, подтвердили сразу несколько…


Im Konflikt um die Region Berg-Karabach hat der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan den USA, Russland und Frankreich vorgeworfen, Armenien militärisch zu unterstützen: «Sie leisten Armenien und


Mehrere AfD-Abgeordnete waren in das Kriegsgebiet Bergkarabach gereist – Aserbaidschan kritisierte den Besuch in einer Protestnote nun scharf. Die Männer seien Mitglieder einer Gruppe, die für Armenien Agitation betreibe und kämen auf eine „schwarze Liste“.


Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Pakistan, Ali Alizada says love for Pakistan is ‘boundless’ in the country.


A new cease-fire in Nagorno-Karabakh appears to be failing after reports of shelling from both Azerbaijani and Armenian forces. Russia, which mediated the truce, says the continued fighting is «unacceptable.»

A humanitarian asks if America will step in to prevent an atrocity.


Moscow sells weapons to Armenia and Azerbaijan but has also led attempts for a truce.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said his country is in talks with Armenia and Azerbaijan on a mechanism to monitor a cease-fire that has already failed twice to halt fighting over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh

The Jerusalem Post | JPost.comThe Jerusalem Post | JPost.com

Israel and Armenia have numerous historical reasons to be allies. Perhaps the most obvious is that both peoples have faced tremendous persecution for their faith and ethnicity.

Turkey and Pakistan have come out in support of Azerbaijan in a significant way in the dispute, sources said.


Ein Leserbrief von Asif Masimov (Politikwissenschaftler MA) an das Nachrichtenmagazin «der Spiegel».

Article: The EU’s tools for resolving conflict over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region — The Caucasus in Detail team is investigating potential tools for resolving the situation in Karabakh that are at the disposal of the European Union. The EU has been and will continue be the biggest supporter of the Armenian government’s ambitious reform plan, which is consolidating democracy, the rule of law and promoting human rights in the country


YEREVAN, October 19. /TASS/. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan considers the issue of acknowledging Nagorno-Karabakh’s right to self-determination by Azerbaijan crucial in the process of settling the conflict around the disputed region.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Heavy fighting has been raging between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces in Nagorno-Karabakh since Sept. 27, despite two attempted cease-fires.

Metro USMetro US

BAKU/YEREVAN (Reuters) – A new ceasefire in the mountain territory of Nagorno-Karabakh was in jeopardy on Monday with Azerbaijan and ethnic Armenian forces reporting shelling and heavy fighting.

Yahoo News - Latest News & HeadlinesYahoo News — Latest News & Headlines

YEREVAN (Reuters) — The defence ministry of the Nagorno-Karabakh region said on Monday it had recorded another 19 casualties among its military, pushing the military death toll to 729 since fighting with Azeri forces erupted on Sept. 27


A new ceasefire in the mountain territory of Nagorno-Karabakh was in jeopardy on Monday with Azerbaijan and ethnic Armenian forces reporting shelling and heavy fighting. 

Greek City TimesGreek City Times

One ethnic Greek born in Armenia has been killed while defending Artsakh from a Turkish-sponsored invasion attempt.

There is no military solution for the Nagorno-Karabakh conflictMSN
Only diplomacy will work.

US News & World ReportUS News & World Report

New shelling has been reported in fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan, violating a weekend cease-fire in the conflict over the separatist territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

heise onlineheise online

In der Berichterstattung der deutschen Leitmedien über den wieder aufgeflammten Krieg um Berg-Karabach dominiert eine Pseudo-Objektivität, die de facto auf eine Übernahme des aserbaidschanischen Narrativs hinausläuft. Die Fakten sind aber deutlich komplizierter. 

Greek City TimesGreek City Times

According to a report by Russian newspaper Kommersant, a significant Turkish force remained on Azerbaijani territory after the completion of military


Президент Азербайджана также обвинил Армению в нарушении временного гуманитарного перемирия. 

6abc Philadelphia6abc Philadelphia
Armenian Americans who live in the Philadelphia region took to the streets Sunday evening to draw attention to the deadly conflict in their homeland.
18 октября, 2020
Gatestone InstituteGatestone Institute

If Azerbaijan wins, a coalition of Turkey, Israel and the United States would end up in the winning camp while the Islamic Republic will be seen as indifferent to the aspirations of Azerbaijan, which is supposed to be the third largest Shiite nation.


Die Regierung Armeniens hat ab 31. Dezember die Einfuhr türkischer Waren vorübergehend verboten. Dies geht aus einer Mitteilung des Pressedienstes des armenischen…

the Guardianthe Guardian

The big players should look to their own history of occupation before they criticise smaller nations in the south Caucasus


18 октября, примерно в 13 часов по местному времени (12…

Greek City TimesGreek City Times

According to a report by Russian newspaper Kommersant, a significant Turkish force remained on Azerbaijani territory after the completion of military 

FOCUS OnlineFOCUS Online
Spontan-Demo auf der A1 bei den Elbbrücken in Hamburg. Die Autobahn wird vollgesperrt, weil mehrere Hundert Armenier auf der Autobahn demonstrieren, dass über den Krieg in ihrem Heimatland mit Aserbaidschan mehr berichtet wird.


«In der Nacht von Freitag auf Samstag hat Armenien wieder die zweitgrößte Stadt Aserbaidschans Gandscha mit ballistischen Raketen angegriffen und dabei starben nach Medienberichten 13 Zivilisten, darunter 3 Kinder. Wie ich bereits in einem anderen Beitrag erklärt hatte, stellen die Angriffe auf Wohngebiete bzw. Zivilisten ein Kriegsverbrechen dar.» Ein Kommentar.


Armenien und Aserbaidschan haben sich im Konflikt um Bergkarabach auf einen Waffenstillstand geeinigt. Dieser soll an diesem Sonntag um 0 Uhr Ortszeit in Kraft treten.


Intervista ad Ani Vardanyan, docente di lingua italiana residente a Erevan: «Azeri e turchi vogliono compiere un genocidio fisico e culturale. Se l’Europa non fa nulla è complice»


Президент Турции также заявил, что США, Россия и Франция поддерживают Армению в конфликте…

The New York TimesThe New York Times | By Anton Troianovski

Times journalists find civilians huddling in basements as a three-week-old conflict over the disputed Caucasus territory hints of a long and punishing fight.


The defence ministry of the ethnic Armenian-populated Nagorno-Karabakh region said on Sunday it had recorded another 37 deaths among its military, pushing the toll to 710 since fighting with Azerbaijan’s forces erupted on Sept. 27, Interfax news agency reported. 


Waffenruhe — das versprachen sich Aserbaidschan und Armenien schon in der vergangenen Woche. Jetzt ist offenbar ein zweiter Anlauf gescheitert.


Armenien und Aserbaidschan werfen sich im Konflikt um Bergkarabach gegenseitig einen Bruch der gestern vereinbarten Waffenruhe vor. In der Südkaukasus-Region soll es wieder zu Kämpfen gekommen sein.


Erst am Vorabend hatten sich Armenien und Aserbaidschan erneut auf eine Waffenruhe im Streit um Bergkarabach geeinigt. Um Mitternacht sollte die Vereinbarung in Kraft treten. Die Konfliktparteien beschuldigen sich nun gegenseitig.

Neue Zürcher ZeitungNeue Zürcher Zeitung

Die Waffen im Südkaukasus kommen nicht zum Schweigen. Aserbaidschan verbucht Geländegewinne, aber die armenische Seite leistet erbitterten Widerstand. Zivilisten leiden auf beiden Seiten – eine Versöhnung rückt in weite Ferne.


In den vergangenen Wochen ist ein alter Konflikt im Kaukasus neu eskaliert. Wieder kämpfen Armenien und Aserbaidschan mit Waffengewalt um Bergkarabach. Beide Regierungen schicken sich feindselige Botschaften. Und sie werden von prominenter Seite unterstützt, vor allem im Fußball.

Corriere della SeraCorriere della Sera

Pashinyan punta il dito: Erdogan arma gli azeri perché vuole un altro genocidio. E ancora: ha mandato qui a combattere i jihadisti siriani, abbiamo le prove


Armenia and Azerbaijan have accused each other of violating a new «humanitarian cease-fire» in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The resumption of hostilities came just hours after the second truce took effect.

Armenia and Azerbaijan have accused each other of violating a new ceasefire in their destructive conflict over the separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh.


The current conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region involves Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Russia and could spin off into a devastating and protra…


The new agreement comes a week after a Russia-brokered deal failed to stop the worst fighting in the region in decades

Daily TimesDaily Times

Nagorno-Karabakh dispute: Armenia blames Azerbaijan of violating humanitarian truceNagorno-Karabakh dispute: Armenia blames Azerbaijan


Claim comes after both sides accused each other of violating new Nagorno-Karabakh truce hours after came into effect.


According to the Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry, Baku reserved the right to take retaliatory measures in order to protect civilians. 


Vladimir Putin has gained the reputation of a dexterous architect of foreign policy who can turn a weak set of cards into winning hands — but recent events call into question such an evaluation.

International Business TimesInternational Business Times

Karabakh rivals trade accusations of breaking new truce


Armenia and Azerbaijan accused each other on Sunday of violating a new humanitarian ceasefire in fighting over the mountain enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, hours after it was agreed.

the Guardianthe Guardian

Casualties reported after Armenia says it was shelled twice, while Azerbaijan says mortars and artillery used against it

International Business TimesInternational Business Times

Karabakh rivals trade accusations of breaking new truce

Yahoo News - Latest News & HeadlinesYahoo News — Latest News & Headlines

They conquered withered vineyards and left behind burnt carcases of tanks to plant an Azerbaijani flag atop a barren hill on the edge of Nagorno-Karabakh — overlooking nothing at all.

BBC NewsBBC News

Each accuses the other of violating a humanitarian ceasefire agreed on Saturday.

ABC NewsABC News

Armenia and Azerbaijan are trading accusations of violating the new cease-fire in their conflict over the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh territory despite a true announced Saturday that was supposed to take effect at midnight. 


GUEST OPINION Every day since September 27th, 2020 Azerbaijani forces have used advanced weaponry against the Armenian people of Artsakh. The Armed Forces of Azerbaijan have bombed hospitals, targeted civilians, destroyed homes, and damaged cultural centers.

BBC NewsBBC News

The fresh ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh comes after a truce agreed last weekend failed to hold. 

The Jerusalem Post | JPost.comThe Jerusalem Post | JPost.com
The pro-Armenia protesters were seen making their way to Jerusalem in a long convoy of cars covered in red, blue and yellow — the colors that make up the Armenian flag.
17 октября, 2020
The Washington TimesThe Washington Times
In recent weeks, the danger of war between neighboring Azerbaijan and Armenia has caused many to ask how this chaos might be resolved before it directly drags in other powerful players.

The New York TimesThe New York Times | By Anton Troianovski

A truce brokered just a week earlier failed to hold. The war between the two Caucasus countries has already killed hundreds


In Bergkarabach gilt ein Waffenstillstand, doch Frieden zwischen Armenien und Aserbaidschan ist so weit entfernt wie nie. Gespräche mit dem armenischen Präsidenten und dem Chefberater des aserbaidschanischen Präsidenten zeigen: von Erbarmen keine Spur.

Armenia and Azerbaijan again accuse each other of ceasefire violationMSN

The fighting is the worst in the region since Azerbaijan and ethnic Armenian forces went to war in the 1990s over Nagorno-Karabakh, a mountain territory that is internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan but populated and governed by ethnic Armenians.


Azerbaijan has vowed revenge after an alleged Armenian missile strike on its second-largest city, Ganja. The attack killed at least 12 and wounded dozens more. Armenia says Azerbaijan continued to shell populated areas within the Nagorno Karabakh region.

International Business TimesInternational Business Times

Azerbaijan vows retaliation for deadly strike on civilians in Ganja

The Washington TimesThe Washington Times
Azerbaijan on Saturday accused Armenia of striking its second-largest city with a ballistic missile that killed at least 13 civilians and wounded 50 others in a new escalation of their conflict over N…

Iran Wants Russia, Turkey to Join in Syria-Style Talks to Solve Armenia, Azerbaijan FightMSN

Azerbaijan’s ambassador to the United States Elin Suleymanov told Newsweek his country «appreciates every offer to help with reaching the much needed peace in our region.»


In the context of global capitalism the war in Nagorno-Karabakh is just one more conflict that capitalism in its imperialist stage cannot solve. 

Joplin GlobeJoplin Globe

The ongoing fighting between Armenian rebels and the Azerbaijani Army in Nagorno-Karabakh, a self-declared republic within Azerbaijan, risks becoming a wider regional conflict. Though Armenia and Azerbaijan agreed to a…


Renewed clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia erupted on September 27, with intense battles raging in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh 


The Armenian armed forces are shelling the territory of Tartar, Agdam, Barda and Agjabedi districts, blatantly violating the humanitarian ceasefire regime


Armenia rejects claims it was behind the attack that prompted Azerbaijan president to vow ‘revenge’.

Pompeo blames Turkey for inflaming situation in Nagorno-Karabakh regionMSN

Armenian-Americans in Washington, DC, protest against the conflict between Azerbaijan and the Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh and Turkey’s support for Azerbaijan. Short Url https://arab.news/8zq5u ANKARA: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has blamed Turkey for inflaming the situation in the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave by arming the Azeris. Armenian and Azeri forces fought new clashes on Friday, defying hopes of ending nearly three weeks of…

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Several dead in missile strikes on Azerbaijani citiesMSN
Azerbaijan says 12 civilians were killed by Armenian shelling in the second city of Ganja. The spike in violence between the two former Soviet republics over Nagorno-Karabakh now threatens a humanitarian disaster.


During the final days of September 2020, media outlets reported on the escalation of a conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Trudeau talks Nagorno-Karabakh war with Armenian, Turkish leaders, calls for dialogueMSN
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said today he spoke with his Armenian counterpart Nikol Pashinyan this morning to express Canada’s concerns about the war in Nagorno-Karabakh between Azerbaijani and Armenian forces that has raged on for weeks. Speaking at a press conference in Ottawa, Trudeau said he told Pashinyan that «Canada will continue to work extremely hard with our allies to put an end to the violence. «I encourage all sides to engage in…


A missile strike in the early hours of October 17 hit a residential area in Ganca, Azerbaijan’s second-largest city, killing 13 people and injuring more than 50 others, the country’s Ministry of Emergency Situations said.

BBC NewsBBC News

Each accuses the other of targeting civilians in renewed fighting over the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

Azerbaijan and Armenia allege truce violations, accuse each other in shellingAzerbaijan and Armenia allege truce violations, accuse each other in shelling
Azerbaijan and Armenia accused each other on Saturday of attacks in violation of a Russian-brokered truce, as the worst fighting in the South Caucasus since the 1990s continued.

the Guardianthe Guardian

Rescuers pull men, women and children out of rows of houses turned to rubble in latest escalation of conflict

Institute for War and Peace ReportingInstitute for War and Peace Reporting
The current fighting in Nagorny Karabakh marks the longest escalation since the 1994 ceasefire, and likely the one where we are going to come out with heaviest losses in terms of human lives. And everything about this round of violence feels and looks different. The language the leadership is using, the numbers of casualties — and of course, the public reaction. On one hand there is this sense of euphoria which I find hard to understand and process. How can we be celebrating regaining territories, when there are soldiers dying on the frontline?

RT на русскомRT на русском

Число погибших после ракетного удара по азербайджанскому городу Гянджа превысило десять человек. Об этом сообщил помощник президента Азербайджана Хикмет Гаджиев.

Armenian defence ministry denies the claim, accuses Baku of shelling areas inside Nagorno-Karabakh.
16 октября, 2020
Los Angeles Review of BooksLos Angeles Review of Books

Dear Friends: We are writing this letter with the hope that you will join the international call for a ceasefire to end the bloodshed and human and cultural carnage taking place since September 27, 2020 in what has been described as the “de facto Armenian republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)” within the Soviet-era boundaries of Azerbaijan. …

France 24France 24

The French government is trying a new tack: a 9 pm to 6 am curfew for nine metropolitan areas including Paris. The idea this time is to keep schools open, to keep businesses open, to allow the French…

The National InterestThe National Interest

What can be done to rein in Turkey and bring peace to the South Caucasus?

Azerbaijan accuses Armenia of expanding conflict with air strike outside Nagorno-KarabakhMSN

Azerbaijan accuses Armenia of expanding conflict with air strike outside Nagorno-Karabakh


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also said that Turkey was increasing the risk of more bloodshed.


Armenian and Azeri forces fought new clashes on Friday, defying hopes of ending nearly three weeks of fighting over the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave, and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blamed Turkey for inflaming the situation by arming the Azeris.

The ForwardThe Forward

“We hope the full territory of Azerbaijan will be back in the hands of those it belongs to.” 


If Stepanakert falls and Artsakh is returned to Azerbaijan, the world may face another Aleppo: a humanitarian crisis with 150,000 refugees and anti-Armenian bloodshed.


Источники “Ъ” рассказали, как Турция готовила почву для обострения в Нагорном Карабахе

Yahoo News - Latest News & HeadlinesYahoo News — Latest News & Headlines
Our grandfathers were part of the Armenian diaspora that came to America in the wake of a genocide. They taught us that we must defend our heritage. 

Mit dem neu entflammten Konflikt in Nagornyj Karabach geraten auch die Armenier in der Türkei wieder ins Visier türkischer Nationalisten. Die Liste der Angriffe wird immer länger.

Eigentlich sollte ja seit dem 10. Oktober eine Waffenruhe gelten, die Russland und Türkei vermittelt haben. Doch Aserbaidschan und Armenien haben dem offenbar nur zugestimmt, um ihre Schutzmächte nicht zu verprellen und ihnen eine internationale Blamage zu ersparen. Noch am selben Abend habe Armenien den Artilleriebeschuss wieder aufgenommen, behauptet zumindest Aserbaidschan. Eriwan bestreitet das.

Der Krieg um Bergkarabach treibt immer mehr Menschen nach Armenien. Die Hauptstadt Jerewan platzt aus allen Nähten. Unterkünfte sind Mangelware.

Am Freitagmorgen musste die A1 wegen einer unangemeldeten Demonstration kurzfristig gesperrt werden. Rund 200 Menschen hatten zwischen der Anschlussstelle Moorfleet und dem Autobahndreieck Norderelbe die Autobahn blockiert. Sie wollten der Polizei zufolge auf den Konflikt in Armenien aufmerksam machen. Um neun Uhr am Morgen war die Autobahn wieder frei, nachdem es zuvor im Berufsverkehr zu kilometerlangen Staus gekommen ist. Unter … Mehr lesen

Der Konflikt in Bergkarabach schwelt seit vielen Jahren, doch seit über zwei Wochen herrscht Kriegszustand. Mesut Özil sorgt auf Twitter mal wieder für Aufsehen.

The Brussels TimesThe Brussels Times
Traffic on several Belgian motorways was at a standstill on Friday morning as protesters staged blockades in an effort to draw attention to an escalating armed conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The main city in the disputed mountain region resembles a ghost town, where people share stories of grief underground.

1Limburg | Nieuws en sport uit Limburg1Limburg | Nieuws en sport uit Limburg
Lees hier meer…

The American ConservativeThe American Conservative
The U.S. and German position is a relic of Stalinist foreign policy, and damaging to the interests of every nation involved.
15 октября, 2020
O GloboO Globo
Em entrevista ao Globo, Arman Akopian acusou a Turquia de sabotar acordo pelo fim do conflito na região, visando sua política expansionista.

Asia TimesAsia Times
ISTANBUL — Elen has felt uneasy moving around her father’s native Istanbul since war broke out over the ethnic Armenian enclave of Nagorno Karabakh on September 27. Born to a French mother and Turk…

US News & World ReportUS News & World Report
As the fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces rages on, some residents of the separatist territory of Nagorno-Karabakh are joining volunteer squads to defend their towns, should the need arise.

If Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan achieves his maximalist goals, it will be a huge defeat – not just for Greece, Cyprus and other countries in the region, but for the Western system of stability and peace.

Een kerkhistoricus spijkert onze voorkennis over het conflict in Nagorno-Karabach bij.

The France 24 ObserversThe France 24 Observers
Follow international news through our Observers’ amateur images and eyewitness testimony. All the content is verified and explained by our journalists.


Betty Arslanian y Leo Moumdjian, periodistas acreditados del Diario Armenia en Artsaj, recorren el hospital de Martakert, Artsaj, bombardeado por Azerbaiyán el 14 de octubre de 2020. Las autoridades azerbaiyanas negaron el hecho. Compartir:

Wieder einmal ist die Türkei in einen Konflikt involviert. Wieder einmal stellt sich Mesut Özil an die Seite Erdogans. Sein Tweet zur umkämpften Region Nagornyj Karabach stößt auf Protest. Was steckt dahinter?

Aserbaidschan kann ab sofort über den „südlichen Gaskorridor“ Europa mit Brennstoff beliefern. Die neue Leitung soll einen anderen großen Zulieferer treffen.

Der Streit um die Kaukasusregion ist nicht neu. Philipp Ammon spricht über Hintergründe und Geschichte eines in Europa weitgehend unbekannten Konflikts

For those who still haven’t heard the news, a brutal conflict was recently reignited between Azerbaijan and the ethnic Armenian people of Nagorno-Karabakh. Hostilities between Christian Armenians and Muslim Azerbaijani’s have a long history, but this specific conflict could be best traced to the early days of the Soviet Union. After the 1st WW, when […]
14 октября, 2020
The Jerusalem Post | JPost.comThe Jerusalem Post | JPost.com

It is possible to see hints of the planning in Ankara behind the war through a look back at how the war developed.

The Express TribuneThe Express Tribune

There are disputes that are brought to limelight only if the parties try and change regional and/or global status-quo.

The Armenian Mirror-SpectatorThe Armenian Mirror-Spectator
BERLIN — Since the renewed outbreak of war in Nagorno-Karabakh, efforts have been underway on an international level to stop the fighting, and lay the basis for a political solution. The central institution involved has been the Minsk Group, which came together in 1994 at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Budapest summit. […]

Инфотека 24Инфотека 24

Hundreds of fighters from Syrian militias allied with Turkey have joined the fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, and hundreds more are preparing to go, according to two Syrians involved in the effort.

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times
The use of drones has upset the military balance between Azerbaijan and Armenia in their longtime dispute over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

El ConfidencialEl Confidencial
Zareh (nombre ficticio) abandonó la cómoda vida que tenía en Barcelona, con esposa e hijos, para presentarse como voluntario en el frente de Nagorno Karabaj
The Moscow TimesThe Moscow Times
Analysts fear Russia and Turkey could find themselves backing difference sides in yet another international conflict.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in a phone call on Wednesday that Ankara wanted a permanent solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, a statement from Erdogan’s office said.

Azerbaijan accused Armenia on Wednesday of trying to attack its gas and oil pipelines and warned of a «severe» response as tensions rose sharply around a fraying ceasefire in the mountain enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Periodistas en EspañolPeriodistas en Español
El realizador Robert Guédiguian, el actor Simon Abkarian, el músico André Manoukian, el pianista Tigran Hamasyan, la millonaria protagonista de

Anar Maharramov subraya el reconocimiento internacional de la región como parte de Azerbaiyán.

Yahoo News - Latest News & HeadlinesYahoo News — Latest News & Headlines
Tatyana Pashayeva, 56, cries as she shelters with other residents in a basement during shelling in the city of Terter, Azerbaijan, during the ongoing military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday that fighting between ethnic Armenian and Azeri forces in the Nagorno-Karabakh region should stop immediately and that the conflict should be resolved through diplomatic means. 

The Jerusalem Post | JPost.comThe Jerusalem Post | JPost.com
The defense ministry of the Nagorno-Karabakh region said on Wednesday it had recorded another 23 casualties among its military, pushing the military death toll to 555 since fighting with Azeri forces erupted on Sept. 27.

Azeri President Ilham Aliyev said on Wednesday that Azerbaijan was continuing a military operation to free territory in Nagorno-Karabakh, Russian news agency Interfax reported.

According to Lavrov, the ceasefire control mechanism should function along the line of contact of Armenian and Azerbaijani forces in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Foreign PolicyForeign Policy
The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict could spill over to Iran’s Azeri minority, setting off a battle the government can’t contain.

Voice of AmericaVoice of America
Turkish-made drones are playing a role in Azerbaijan’s offensive in the breakaway enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. Drones have become an integral part of Turkey’s foreign policy, but Turkey’s drone industry is facing scrutiny from the international community. Turkish-made drones operated by Azerbaijani forces are in the forefront in Azerbaijan’s fight to reclaim the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh enclave from ethnic Armenian control.

While the world is preoccupied with the Covid-19 pandemic, the regional conflict in the remote separatist enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh is threatening to escalate into a wider war on the doorsteps of Europe and Asia, writes Michael Bociurkiw. The conflict requires careful handling at a time when Russia and Turkey — already on opposite sides in proxy wars like Syria and Libya — have become involved and Iran may be poised to enter the fray. 

Um novo grupo de mercenários recrutados na Síria está se preparando para seguir, através da Turquia, para a zona de conflito em Nagorno-Karabakh, revelaram hoje (14) à…

While Donald Trump has evinced little interest in the Armenia-Azerbaijan war, his would-be replacement is staking out a position as the strong-on-Karabakh candidate.

YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) — The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan escalated Wednesday, as both sides exchanged accusations and claims of new attacks over the separatist territory of…

BBC NewsBBC News
Nikol Pashinyan says Armenia faces a «difficult situation» in its fight over disputed Nagorny Karabakh. 

Rússia sugere envio de observadores militares russos e Turquia nega estar a enviar combatentes sírios para o enclave. Violações da trégua continuam, como as acusações mútuas. 

Voice of AmericaVoice of America
«Hey, hey, let’s go there,» said one man to another, as sirens started to wail. The sirens were supposed to go off before the strikes, but on Friday that wasn’t the case.  The men dashed across the street and into a basement surrounded by sandbags in Nagorno-Karabakh’s regional capital, Stepanakert, as bombs continued to explode.  After more than two weeks of renewed fighting in this nearly 30-year-old conflict, more people can be found underground than on the streets. 

Folha de S.PauloFolha de S.Paulo
Rússia critica Turquia, pressiona azeris e diz que pode enviar pacificadores ao Cáucaso.

Movimento extrapola o território de Nagorno-Karabakh, onde os dois países estão em conflito armado, e acirra as tensões entre os dois lados.

Al Arabiya EnglishAl Arabiya English
Turkey has started training 120 Libyan fighters to help its ally in Libya while continuing to deny.

War on the RocksWar on the Rocks
Azerbaijan and Armenia have now spent more than two weeks at war, with casualties mounting on both sides. On the morning of Sept. 27, Azerbaijan launched

Mesut Özil ergreift im Konflikt zwischen Aserbaidschan und Armenien um eine Region im Kaukasus Partei. Der Arsenal-Star denkt zu kurz, sagt ein Kritiker.

Der frühere deutsche Fußballnationalspieler Mesut Özil stellt sich im Konflikt um Nagornyj-Karabach hinter das von der Türkei unterstützte Aserbaidschan. Dafür wird er umgehend von der deutschen Politik kritisiert

Angesichts der anhaltenden Kämpfe um die Südkaukasusregion Berg-Karabach hat der russisch-orthodoxe Patriarch Kyrill I. Aserbaidschan und Armenien zur …

Kære alle Vi har brug for hjælp! Vi ønsker jeres underskrifter for at gøre opmærksom på de rædsler den fredelige befolkning i Nagorno-Kharabakh (Artsakh) udsættes for af Erdogan og Aliyev! Vi ønsker at opfordre udenrigsminister Jeppe Kofod til handling! Situationen i Artsakh lige nu Den 27. september indledte Aserbajdsjan en uforholdsmæssig aggressiv militær offensiv mod befolkningen i Artsakh. Dette efter 27 års våbenhvile afbrudt af enkelte skudvekslinger ved grænsen. Denne hændelse er anderle…

Bild - Wikipedia


„Sieht aus wie deutsche Städte im Zweiten Weltkrieg“

BILD traf den armenischen Präsidenten Armen Sarkissjan am Montagabend in Yerevan und sprach mit ihm über die Rolle des türkischen Staatschefs Recep Tayyip Erdogan, seine Forderungen an Deutschland und seine eigenen Angriffe auf zivile Ziele in Aserbaidschan.

The National InterestThe National Interest

Nagorno-Karabakh: Turkey Instigates An Old War With Older Ambitions

There is significant evidence that Turkey is the main instigator of the current Karabakh war. The country has been involved in every step of the way from the preparation to the execution of the Azerbaijani war plan.

Amazon.com: New York Post for Tablet: Appstore for Android

New York Post

Humanitarian crisis feared as Armenia-Azerbaijan ceasefire buckles

Armenia and Azerbaijan accused each other on Tuesday of violating a ceasefire agreed three days ago to quell fighting over the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave, drawing warnings from international groups of a humanitarian crisis.

13 октября, 2020
AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوزAMN — Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز
BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:20 P.M.) — The Iranian Revolutionary Guard said on Tuesday that «the escalation of the conflict between the Republic of Azerbaijan and…

OC MediaOC Media
The two activists were among the signatories of a statement calling for peace.

EREVÁN, Armenia (AP) — El número reportado de muertos durante los enfrentamientos entre las fuerzas armenias y azerbaiyanas en el territorio separatista de Nagorno-Karabaj asciende a unos 600, y…

Der deutsche Weltmeister von 2014 hat sich in einem Tweet zu den Konflikten um die Kaukasusregion Berg-Karabach geäußert.

Studio City, CA PatchStudio City, CA Patch
An alleged employee told the protesters «I hope you all die, and I hope your country gets blown up» after being unable to access the lot.

The New York TimesThe New York Times | By Anton Troianovski
Armenians and Azerbaijanis coexisted in Soviet days. But conflict over the disputed territory exploded in the late 1980s, leaving festering wounds that have erupted anew.

the Guardianthe Guardian

Trench warfare, drones and cowering civilians: on the ground in Nagorno-Karabakh

The battle over Nagorno-Karabakh, waged on and off for a century, has flared anew and civilians once again suffer the consequences by Bethan McKernan in Stepanakert. Pictures by Achilleas Zavallis

El periódico El Español presenta su nueva imagen corporativa - La Publicidad

El Español


El pasado domingo 27 de septiembre la República de Nagorno Karabaj sufrió un nuevo ataque militar por parte de Azerbaiyán que ha conducido a una nueva guerra con Armenia.

The Wall Street Journal & Breaking News, Business, Financial and Economic News, World News and Video

The Wall Street Journal

Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: Why Are They Fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh?

The long-simmering conflict has erupted again in a Caucasus region where Russia and Turkey vie for influence…

The Japan TimesThe Japan Times

Azerbaijan and Armenia report shelling of cities despite truce

Azerbaijan has accused Armenia of attacking large cities overnight in violation of the cease-fire deal brokered by Russia that seeks to end the worst outbreak of hostilities in the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh region.

Publimetro - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


Armenia/Azerbaiyán.- Armenia y Azerbaiyán se acusan de incumplir el alto el fuego en Nagorno Karabaj

Las autoridades de Armenia y de Azerbaiyán se han acusado mutuamente este lunes de estar incumpliendo el alto el fuego acordado con la mediación de Rusia para la región de Nagorno Karabaj, cuya soberanía se disputan ambos países desde hace décadas.

Butler Armsden Architects | Inlet House Featured in Corriere Della Sera

Corriere della Sera

Il Papa: più spazio alle donne laiche dove si prendono le decisioni nella Chiesa

Francesco all’Angelus ha spiegato: «In genere le donne vengono messe da parte, ma devono assumere ruoli più importanti, ma senza cadere in clericalismi che annullano il carisma laicale e rovinano la faccia della Chiesa»

abcABC International

El embajador de Armenia en España: «Turquía quiere eliminar al pueblo armenio»

Vladimir Karmirshalyan defiende que su país está abierto al diálogo con Azerbaiyán, y que este solo utiliza la fuerza en el conflicto de la región caucásica…

abcABC International

Decenas de muertos durante la tregua que nunca existió entre Armenia y Azerbaiyán

La tregua «humanitaria» que entró el vigor el sábado al mediodía en Nagorno Karabaj, tras el acuerdo alcanzado en Moscú por los ministros de Exteriores de Armenia y Azerbaiyán, Zograb Mnatsakanián y Ceyhún Bairámov, bajo la mediación de Rusia, no se está cumpliendo.


Nagorno-Karabakh: US and European influence needed for ceasefire to be a success, says expert

As Armenia and Azerbaijan accused each other of violating a temporary ceasefire within minutes of it coming into force on Saturday, one expert says intervention from the United States and European nations is needed for a truce to hold.

Todas las noticias de turísmo de Paraguay y del Mundo - Contacto News


Mercenários pagos pela Turquia combatem no Cáucaso contra a Arménia

Recebem 1.000 euros por mês e são combatentes pagos por Ancara que lutavam contra o Governo sírio e que agora fazem a guerra ao lado das tropas do Azerbaijão contra a Arménia em Nagorno Karabakh.

File:TRT eski logo.png - Wikimedia Commons

Turkish Radio and Television Corporation

De Akar ao Shoigú: «A Armênia deve ser retirada do território azerbaijano que ocupa»

O ministro da Defesa Nacional, Hulusi Akar, falou por telefone com seu colega russo, Sergei Shoigu, sobre os ataques da Armênia contra o Azerbaijão, entre outros tópicos…

France 24France 24

Fresh clashes threaten humanitarian ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh

Azerbaijan and ethnic Armenian forces accused each other on Monday of launching new attacks in and around Nagorno-Karabakh, increasing strains on a two-day old humanitarian ceasefire intended to end heavy fighting over the mountain enclave.

Associated Press - YouTube

Associated Press

Armenia, Azerbaijan report attacks despite cease-fire deal

Armenia and Azerbaijan on Monday accused each other of attacks over the separatist territory of Nagorno-Karabakh despite a cease-fire deal brokered by Russia to try to end the worst outbreak of hostilities in the region in decades.



Ankara: Autoritarismus auf Kosten der Wirtschaft

Die türkische Währung Lira verliert unaufhaltsam an Wert, die Wirtschaftskrise verschärft sich. Eine neue Studie macht den autoritären Kurs des Präsidenten für die verheerende Entwicklung verantwortlich.


Weltkirchenrat: Sofortige Einstellung der Kämpfe im Kaukasus

Tiefe Sorge über die Verletzungen des „humanitären Waffenstillstands“ zwischen Armenien und Aserbaidschan hat der geschäftsführende Generalsekretär des Weltkirchenrats, der rumänisch-orthodoxe Theologe Ioan Sauca, geäußert. Auch die katholische Bischofskonferenz der USA schloss sich Appellen zur Beachtung des Waffenstillstands in der Auseinandersetzung um die Region Berg-Karabach an.

FinanzNachrichten.de - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding


Bergkarabach-Konflikt: SOS-Kinderdorf in Armenien nimmt vertriebene Jungen und Mädchen auf / «Kinder sind traumatisiert!»

as SOS-Kinderdorf Kotayk in Armenien hat 57 Jungen und Mädchen aufgenommen, die im Konflikt zwischen Armenien und Aserbaidschan ihr Zuhause verloren haben. Ein Großteil der Kinder sei von seinen Familien getrennt worden, einige seien zusammen mit ihren Müttern aufgenommen worden, berichtet Spartak Sargsyan, Leiter der Hilfsorganisation in Armenien.

Foreign PolicyForeign Policy

Without Russian Aid to Armenia, Azerbaijan Has the Upper Hand in Nagorno-Karabakh

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has overplayed his hand by spouting belligerent nationalist rhetoric and refusing to negotiate—and Putin isn’t coming to his rescue.

12 октября, 2020

Комсомольская Правда - YouTube

Комсомольская правда

Раненый в Карабахе российский журналист: Я такой жестокости даже в Чечне не встречал

Главный редактор портал Сегодня.ру Юрий Котенок рассказал журналисту «КП» Александру Коцу, как попал под удар в храме в Шуше…

apa-ots | Österreichischer Kommunikationstag

Austria Press Agency

1.500 Menschen protestierten am Freitag in Wien für Frieden in Berg-Karabach

Am Freitag rief die armenische Gemeinde in Wien zu einer Kundgebung vor der OSZE, dem Bundeskanzleramt und der Präsidentschaftskanzlei auf. Über 1.500 Menschen nahmen friedlich daran Teil und forderten von der Bundesregierung, sich für einen sofortigen Frieden zwischen Berg-Karabach und Aserbaidschan einzusetzen.


Bergkarabach-Konflikt: Programmbeschwerde gegen ZDF

Wegen eines „fehlerhaften und tendenziösen Videos“ über den Berg-Karabach-Territorialkonflikt hat ein Forschungszentrum eine Programmbeschwerde beim ZDF eingereicht. Darin werde unter anderem eine „faktische Falschaussage“ getätigt, berichtet TRT Deutsch.


Iran und der Konflikt um Berg-Karabach

Im Konflikt zwischen Armenien und Aserbaidschan hat sich der Iran als Vermittler angeboten. Allerdings ist Teheran keineswegs ein unbeteiligter Dritter, insbesondere was Aserbaidschan betrifft.

FinanzNachrichten.de - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding


Pressestimme: ‘Die Welt’ zu Rolle der Türkei in Bergkarabach

«Die Welt» zu Rolle der Türkei in Bergkarabach…

Dr. George Tzogopoulos analyses on china.org.cn the 'Schulz effect' in German politics : ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ

German China.org

Konflikt zwischen Armenien und Aserbaidschan dauert trotz Waffenstillstand an

Aserbaidschan hat am Sonntag Armenien beschuldigt, mit einem Angriff auf die zweitgrößte Stadt des Landes gegen den vereinbarten Waffenstillstand verstoßen zu haben.


Armenische Christen weltweit beten für Frieden im Kaukasus

Für Frieden in der Region Berg-Karabach haben Gläubige der armenisch-apostolischen Kirche in aller Welt gebetet.

Montreal Gazette Montreal GazetteClassifieds | Place an ad

Montreal Gazette

Armenian diaspora in Canada says Ottawa must act to prevent a second genocide

“Normally, I’m proud to call myself a Canadian, but this past week has been a horrible disappointment … I don’t want tears on Remembrance Day; I need action today.”

World Geostrategic Insights

The Exploitation of Turkish Nationalism in the Armenian-Azerbaijani War

As the signal-to-noise ratio decreases in the reporting of events surrounding the September 27 Azerbaijani assault on the Armenian-inhabited region of Nagorno-Karabakh, a much more surreptitious current has received virtually no reporting; Iran.


Turkey’s combative foreign policy could soon reach a dead end

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has for nearly two decades taken strides to transform Ankara’s place in the world. Today, his dreams seem further from reach than ever before.


Turkey tells Russia to press Armenia to abide by Nagorno-Karabakh truce

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has asked his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, to press Armenia to abide by the terms of a Russian-brokered truce in Nagorno-Karabakh, the Turkish foreign ministry said on Sunday.

Contact Us – NBC Los Angeles

NBC Los Angeles

Estimated 100,000 March in Support of Armenia in Conflict With Azerbaijan and Turkey

Los Angeles County is home to the nation’s largest population of Armenian immigrants, and several demonstrations have taken place over the last few weeks…

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Süddeutsche Zeitung
Die OSZE sucht seit Jahren vergeblich nach einer Lösung der Feindseligkeiten zwischen Armenien und Aserbaidschan. Nun sagt Irans Staatspräsident: «Wir müssen höllisch aufpassen, dass aus diesem Konflikt kein regionaler Krieg wird.»
11 октября, 2020


As Azerbaijan has been carrying out an offensive to take back its territories lost to Armenian forces in the 1990s, Azerbaijani civilians have been waging their own information war: to defend the country’s international reputation.

Eine Waffenruhe zwischen Armenien und Aserbaidschan beim Krieg in Bergkarabach ist nun doch vermeldet worden.

Das kleine Israel spielt im Konflikt in Bergkarabach offenbar eine große Rolle: Etwa 60 Prozent der Rüstungsimporte Aserbaidschans stammen von hier. Trotz scharfer Kritik hält Israel an der Partnerschaft fest. Von Benjamin Hammer.

Eigentlich gilt zwischen den verfeindeten Ländern eine Waffenruhe. Doch nun wirft Aserbaidschan Armenien den Beschuss eines Wohngebiets vor, bei dem es Tote und Verletzte gegeben haben soll. Armenien dementiert.

Uznávaný malíř Tigran Abramjan se do Česka přestěhoval před 39 roky za svou rodinou. Na Arménii ale nezapomněl. Poslední dobou na ni vlastně myslí čím dál víc – moc ho trápí válečný konflikt, který se mezi jeho zemí a Ázerbajdžánem rozhořel v Náhorním Karabachu. Skoro se zdá, jako kdyby někdo jinak nádhernou Arménii zaklel v krajinu věčné bolesti. 

Die Waffenruhe hielt nicht lange: Am Abend gab es wieder heftige Explosionen in Stepanakert.

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times
The hostilities raging in Nagorno-Karabakh lie at the heart of a decades-long fight that began during the chaotic breakup of the Soviet Union.

Financial TribuneFinancial Tribune
Russian President Vladimir Putin underlined Iran’s role in resolving conflicts in the region and expressed willingness to cooperate with Tehran to help end the recent clash between neighboring Azerbaijan and Armenia through dialogue.

A temporary ceasefire between Azerbaijan and Armenia that came into effect Saturday after almost two weeks of fighting over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region appears fragile, with both countries accusing each other of violating the terms of the agreement.
10 октября, 2020
Trotz der Waffenruhe im Konflikt um die Kaukasusregion Berg-Karabach geht das Blutvergießen anscheinend weiter. In der Stadt Gandscha in Ascherbaidschan wurde offenbar ein Wohnhaus von einer Rakete getroffen. 

The NationalThe National
From northern Syria to Libya to Azerbaijan, Turkey has deployed thousands of fighters across the region.

Greek City TimesGreek City Times
The Armenians may complain that allied countries have not done the right thing in the face of the attacks Turkish-sponsored Azerbaijan and Syrian jihadist.
The international community must recognize that failure to stand up for religious minorities anywhere is a threat to them everywhere.

Le Monde.frLe Monde.fr
La diplomatie russe indique que les deux parties se sont entendues pour entamer des « négociations substantielles » pour une résolution pacifique du conflit dans ce territoire rattaché à l’Azerbaïdjan, où séparatistes arméniens et troupes de Bakou s’affrontent depuis le 27 septembre. 

The NationalThe National
Hadjian was famous for his operatic iterations of Armenian patriotic songs, performing across Europe, the Americas and the Middle East

the Guardianthe Guardian
Any hope for a truce in the long-running conflict in the Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh was short-lived

In Moskau wurde eine Waffenruhe zwischen Aserbaidschan und Armenien ausgehandelt. Doch für einen Frieden fordert Baku, dass Armenien Territorien räumt. Thielko Grieß ist daher skeptisch: In diesem Konflikt gebe es auf beiden Seiten starke Kräfte, die keinen Schritt zur Seite treten wollen, kommentiert er.

Nach den heftigen Kämpfen in Bergkarabach haben Armenien und Aserbaidschan eine Waffenruhe vereinbart. Doch lange hält die Feuerpause offenbar nicht: Schon kurz nach dem Inkrafttreten werfen sich beide Seiten neue Angriffe vor. 

Armenia and Azerbaijan are at war over a disputed region – and this is reflected in their broadcasts. 

Germany stands for work on the conflict’s long-term settlement.

The Indian ExpressThe Indian Express
Despite the Indian government’s cautious stance regarding the conflict, many Indian nationals have not hesitated in backing Armenia, even if they don’t have any particular association with the country.

Армения и Азербайджан обвиняют друг друга в применении запрещённого оружия во время обострения конфликта в Нагорном Карабахе в 2020 году. Власти Армении и непризнанной Нагорно-Карабахской республики обвиняют Азербайджан в применении кассетных бомб при бомбёжке Степанакерта.

Ab Samstagmittag soll in Bergkarabach eine Feuerpause gelten, die Russland vermittelt hat. Aserbaidschan und Armenien bekämpfen sich in der Region seit Jahren. Junge Menschen in beiden Ländern kennen den Hass — den Krieg erleben sie zum ersten Mal.

В турецком внешнеполитическом ведомстве добавили, что “Турция будет поддерживать решения, с которыми согласится Азербайджан”

Azerbaijan and Armenia have agreed to a cease-fire starting from October 10, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said.

Баку и Ереван договорились о прекращении огня в Карабахе с 12:00 субботы, 10 октября. Об этом сообщил глава МИД России Сергей Лавров по итогам консультаций, которые прошли в Москве. Трехсторонние переговоры длились более 10 часов.

GV WireGV Wire
State Sen. Andreas Borgeas has sent a letter to the Trump Administration urging the U.S. to stand with the Republic of Artsakh. Other legislators signed on.
9 октября, 2020