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Hélène Richard

Hélène Richard
2 ARTICLES 0 Commentaires
Holds a Master degree in International Relations, Security and Defense, with a specialization in Diplomacy. Aiming to work in the field of Foreign Affairs, she speaks French, English, Spanish and Russian. Her research interests go to the relationship between Europe and Russia, notably with the scope of security. She is also very interested in all matters related to post-Soviet states and current links that can be developed with them at different levels.
Seulement vingt-six ans après l’effondrement de l’Union soviétique, la carte géopolitique dans le Caucase reste en suspens. En effet, les pays du Sud-Caucase, à savoir la Géorgie, l’Azerbaïdjan et l’Arménie, subissent toujours un manque de cohésion régionale, à la...