Միջազգային մամուլի արձագանքը

Միջազգային մամուլի արձագանքը տավուշյան իրադարձությունների վերաբերյալ

Ստորև ներկայացնում ենք ադրբեջանական զինված ուժերի կողմից ՀՀ Տավուշի մարզի ուղղությամբ հրադադարի խախտումների ու հետագա զարգացումների վերաբերյալ միջազգային մամուլի արձագանքը: Ցանկում առկա են ինչպես հայաստանամետ, այնպես էլ ադրբեջանամետ նյութեր:

30 հուլիսի, 2020
A communication channel set up in 2018 to discuss incidents along the front lines could be used for sharing preventative information to protect farmers and minimise risks of escalation on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, a recent report from the International Crisis Group  (ICG) suggests.

27 հուլիսի, 2020
Arab NewsArab News
YEREVAN, Armenia: Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a phone call Monday called for peace talks to end clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the Kremlin said. The phone call at Turkey’s initiative took place after Armenia’s military said one of its soldiers was killed by sniper fire from across the border with Azerbaijan in the latest bout of deadly violence. Border clashes erupted in mid-July between the ex-Soviet republics, which have for decades been locked in a conflict over Azerbaijan’s breakaway region of Nagorny Karabakh.

26 հուլիսի, 2020
the Guardianthe Guardian
New violence between Armenia and Azerbaijan has provoked anger and boycotts throughout the two countries’ diasporas.

24 հուլիսի, 2020
English JamnewsEnglish Jamnews
The flare up of violence on the border has led to fights between Armenians and Azerbaijanis abroad.

Modern DiplomacyModern Diplomacy
The recent escalation of tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan, this time along the international border in the direction of the Tovuz district of Azerbaijan in the aftermath of an armed attack launched by Armenia on July12–14, 2020,had been brewing for some time before finally boiling over into full-fledged military clashes, the worst in recent years, […]

Byline TimesByline Times
Nikola Mikovic reports on the recent spike in hostilities between the two nations caught up in a Turkish-Russian power battle.

The Moscow TimesThe Moscow Times
Recent fighting along the Azerbaijan-Armenia border has resulted in at least 17 deaths.
23 հուլիսի, 2020
In a three-way call on Wednesday (22 July) with the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia, the EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell called for an end to armed confrontations following a flare-up of tensions last week along the international state border between the two countries.

Asia TimesAsia Times
A long-simmering conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan saw an unprecedented escalation in recent days, as Azeri troops attempted an incursion into Armenia proper rather than the disputed region o…

22 հուլիսի, 2020
Carnegie Endowment for International PeaceCarnegie Endowment for International Peace
On July 12, skirmishes broke out on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The fighting claimed at least sixteen lives in the most serious outbreak of hostilities in the South Caucasus since 2016. Although the fighting has subsided for now, the situation remains volatile and a war of words between the two countries continues—all of which further complicate prospects for a negotiated solution.

California GlobeCalifornia Globe
In Los Angeles, a wild melee broke out during a large demonstration staged by an Armenian advocacy group.

In the worst fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan in years, the two countries’ media have been reporting opposing, but parallel, stories.

Azeri President Ilham Aliyev signaled a tougher stance on a decades-long territorial conflict with Armenia, adding to tensions over fighting at their border that has killed at least 17 people.

Moscow has played a significant role in propelling the conflict between the two neighbours by creating autonomous regions in Azerbaijan and drawing controversial borders.

21 հուլիսի, 2020
The Jerusalem Post | JPost.comThe Jerusalem Post | JPost.com
Azerbaijan, a close ally of Turkey and fellow denier of the Armenian Genocide, has actively sought the eradication of the region’s indigenous Armenian inhabitants and traces of their millennia-old civilization.

São já 17 as vítimas mortais dos recentes confrontos entre os dois países. Azerbaijão ameaça atacar central nuclear e o líder do país despediu o ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros em plena crise.